Someone squeals, another snaps, and the dead walk! THE DEAD WALK! still…
Writer: Robert Kirkman
Art: Charlie Adlard
Cover: Cliff Rathburn
Letterer: Rus Wooton
Editor: Sina Grace
Publisher: Image Comics
Previously in The Walking Dead: The group arrives in The Community, and everything seems to be perfect and safe. Rick is willing to do whatever it takes to keep it that way, even if that means taking control by force. But who watches the watchmen?
It was bound to happen sooner or later – the idyllic life in The Community has come to an end when Rick oversteps his bounds and demands that the man that is abusing his family be ejected from the community or be put to death. It is a ploy Rick used while everyone lived in The Prison, and worked there, but there is resistance to the demand from The Mayor. The situation really blows up when it is revealed the man in question is The Community’s doctor.
Kirkman does a good job of bringing up the question of the lesser of two evils, as the community members would rather have health care and turn a blind eye to any spousal abuse occurring behind closed doors than do anything about it. This doesn’t sit well at all with Rick who decides it is time to act, but it doesn’t really turn out as he hoped. It’s a really strange moment when the hero readers have cheered for 74 issues, suddenly turns into someone that should be shunned.
One of the bigger themes that runs through the Walking Dead series seems to be Rick’s struggle with following the law that he has sworn to uphold, and becoming the judge, jury, and executioner whenever he sees fit. Previously, the group has let his transgressions pass, but this time it looks like the majority will have their say in what happens. It’s a moment that has been building, and one that is sure to ruin everyone’s lives… again…
With all the talking and cerebral stuff that fills the Walking Dead universe, every bit of zombie violence breaks up the action, and there’s plenty of that in this issue as Heath and Glenn witness survivors turning on each other in Washington, D.C . There’s something wonderful in the gory art Charlie Adlard whips up when zombies attack. Still I wish we could see Adlard step up his game when it comes to screen continuity. If AMC does the same rule breaking that Aldard does in this book, the art and film snobs are going to have a field day.
If you’re like me, you’ve been wondering how long Kirkman can drag out a zombie horror survival story before it gets really stale. I have one thing to say to you – stick around after the credits for the big reveal that features the real culprits behind the zombie plague – aliens. I kid you not…or do I? It’s a nice touch for the 75th issue.
Rick’s paranoia has been growing for several issues, so his flip out moment was not unexpected, it’s just surprising that Kirkman didn’t draw this out several more issues before this climactic moment. The writing is still good, and the art is good, but once again the issue just feels predictable, which is why the alien addition is so nice. The Walking Dead #75 is worth picking up for nothing more than seeing the WD Universe in color. The Walking Dead #75 earns a 3.5 out of 5 Stars this time out.
Like you said, Rick’s paranoia has been growing and he’s more alone now more than ever. As much as I love this story I don’t want them to become stationary again. Get Rick back on the move.
I’m just now finishing #24, but Kirkman has stated in his fan letters from the very beginning that in issue #75 there will be aliens. Glad to see he follows through, even though it seemed like a sarcastic joke in the fan mail.