JSA #36 arrives in stores this week, and DC Comics has released a sneak peek that looks into the mystery of who attacked Obsidian.
Justice Society of America #36
Written by Bill Willingham
Art by Jesus Merino
Cover by Jesus Merino
The discovery of exactly who was behind the recent attacks on Obsidian and other members of the Justice Society puts the team on the trail of a true Axis of Evil! This means war!
I wonder if this story will end up being a possible future that doesn’t occur — or will it explain how GL ends up entombed on Gemworld….
Magog did it.
(God, I cannot wait for him to go away. The sooner, the best. Not just “better”, but “best”. Nothing would be more awesome than Magog disappearing a.s.a.p.)
I know what you mean, Wynter — That JSA annual was ridiculous because the entire time I’m thinking, “Why doesn’t he just tell the JSA what’s going on at the prison?” I think it’s what Ebert calls the Idiot Plot — that storyline hinges on Magog being an idiot.
I don’t what’s worse — that he’s so annoying, or that his costume is so effing ugly!!!
The only redeeming quality of the costume is the Ram’s Horns helmet reminds me of the mascot at my alma mater, UNC (Yes… I know… We went from the National Champions to the floormat of the ACC in one season. That hurts!).
I also don’t like the use of Magog as the name for a hero due to the context of the name in Biblical texts. Whether you’re a believer (I am) or looking through Judeo/Christian scriptures to base your character on, you could do a better job than Magog. The whole Gog/Magog arc seemed to be simply a storyline to get “Lance” to the point where he becomes the counterpart of the “Kingdom Come” Magog without the fun of getting to blast a hole in the Joker’s chest. The Shield has been a more interesting character for me in regards to a current war vet becoming a meta-human.
My favorite part of the annual is when PeeGee punches the bejeezlysnots out of him, and rephrases his earlier statement about how it “might not be the most effective attack, but it felt _damn_ good.” Power Girl FTW.
Totally random thought here: If Liberty Belle is retained her Jessie Quick abilities and is still a running speedster, her boots don’t seem like a functional design element. Maybe they are “athletic” boots that just happen to drawn like patent leather riding boots in this book. Other speedsters have boots, but artists convey they are “running” boots by the way the soles are drawn, etc. That panel looks like Jessie will be in need of some Dr. Scholl’s gel pads.
Anybody else wonder if Ellen wants some melon? Cuz, like, I’m gellin~! (This will only make sense if you saw those commercials where everybody’s sentence ended with a word rhyming with “gellin”.)