Here’s something that is sure to have the Intardwebz a buzzin’ over the Fourth of July weekend – Warner Bros. plopped down $33 million and walked away with most of Midway Games assets, including “Mortal Kombat” “Joust”, and “Spy Hunter”.
This was certainly a bargain for Warner Bros. as it appears no one else was interested in the failing company. It seems pretty clear that the big reason for picking up the company was to expand upon the Mortal Kombat property, as a possible second MK/DC game looks to be in the works. Also, with the announcement of the Asteroids video game, I’m sure Warner Bros. is all hot to jump on a movie adaptation of Ms. Pac-Man, Bubbles, Defender, and Joust. I would have poked fun at Spy Hunter, but I understand that is a movie already in the works for a 2012 release.
Joust Movie…. would that be based on the original or one of the ports?
I can’t help but remember the engaging plot of that game, the trials of a young ostrach knight trying to reclaim his honor after burying his head in the sand. Armed only with his ostrach and his de-aging lance—–(hmm.. need a name… Oh I know!)–Jouster, upon removing his head from the sand and seeing that a recent eruption has strewn lava about the area near him, has to fight off hoards of knights riding giant buzzards. Sadly for our hero the Buzzard Knights can only be bested by a lance-blow to the ‘just above their lances’ just like Jouster himself. Sadly the BK’s don’t have non-lethal lances and……
Ok…. I can’t do this pitch anymore… it hurts too much…
Dont they still have the Gauntlet license? That movie could be cool
Well, there goes my idea for DC vs Capcom. ;p
BTW, Would this mean we could see a MK comic book from DC? Would MK now get a parralel world in DCU?
I thought Spy Hunter was in production for awhile now. I know there was a supposed movie adaptation that had Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson’s likeness in it. Never played it though.