Could there really be a Buffy the Vampire Slayer coming ot the big screen? If you are wetting yourself over that thought, it will probably sober you up to know that Joss Whedon wil not be involved in the project. It sounds really weird not having Whedon involved in anything Buffy, after all, he was the writer of the first Buffy movie that featured the yummy Christy Swanson (not to be confused with Swanson’s pot pies, which are also quite yummy, but in a different way).
While Whedon is the person most associated with “Buffy,” Kuzui and her Kuzui Enterprises have held onto the rights since the beginning, when she discovered the “Buffy” script from then-unknown Whedon. She developed the script while her husband put together the financing to make the 1992 movie, which was released by Fox.
It looks like the new movie won’t have any connection to the series, instead rebooting the series in a new universe. Think of it as Ultimate Buffy, without the beloved Xander, Spike, Angel, or Cordelia. The details still haven’t been worked out, and Kunzui Enterprises have stated they haven’t reached out to Whedon yet, so there is still a slim, slim chance he could be involved at some point. However, considering the company is making the reboot announcement without consulting Whedon means he probably won’t be involved.
No! Noooo! That’s a bad monkey!
As ‘Joss is our Master now’, this shouldn’t happen. I know it’s early, and there are many steps to go before this unholy idea gets off the ground. But if this unwanted bastard of a movie goes forward, there should be a revolution, a fan boy revolution. Or something to that effect.
I hope he gets involved and they move away from the “Ultimate Buffyverse” idea and just stick to the series continuity.
This may give younger fans some inkling of how some TOSers feel about the new STAR TREK. But they probably won’t really get it until STAR WARS gets the reboot.
Buffy – Joss = blasphemy!
They have to consult Mr. Whedon. It wouldn’t be right if they don’t.
Anyone can ‘develop a script’. That doesn’t mean it will succeed.
The problem with the FIRST Buffy movie was they didn’t listen to him. I’ve only seen it once, and can’t bring myself to watch it again. The series, I’m on my 3rd time through.
That the show ran for 7 years (and continues to chug along in print) ought to tell them something.
Its just like when Nickelodeon decided they could do just as well at Ren & Stimpy if they got rid of that ‘troublesome’ Kricfalusi.
urgh..not interested
Reboots/ remakes should only occur if the franchise involved went down the pan , the original idea was poorly executed or original talent are no-longer available to carry on the torch.
I recall seeing the original Buffy movie and whilst the idea of blond female being the kick-ass hero and not the stereotypical victim was a great deconstruction of horror-genre, I can remember being somewhat disappointed with the result. It was a film that was NOT the sum of its parts.
The TV series came along (with the creator of the character) and ran with the idea to great success – and from what I’ve read of season eight, the comics follow that trend (again with Joss).
The Batman, Trek and Bond reboots gave these tired franchises a big burst of much needed relevance after previous entries in each was dreadful (Bane and Mr Freeze in Batman and Robin, Surfing tidal waves in Bond, Nemesis in Trek etc).
Look at the remake of The Day The Earth Stood Still, not really needed as the original execution was great and the new movie missed the point. – i feel the same way to the proposed idea of Buffy. Go make Anita Blake or your own Female vampire fighter movie.
Having said that, it’s early days – the trek reboot worked – so this might but I stand by my original comment: Buffy has/did not slide into mediocrity so why go feel the need to go there with a reboot, especially without Joss.
Anyone know what Kuzui Enterprises have done since Buffy? They’re not exactly a household-name so I guess it’s all about the money I guess.
Lately I’ve been writing massive posts, with attempts at well-thought arguments and logic and crunchy-goodness. This, however, receives a one-word reaction: