Today, we swing the art the other way to appease those who aren’t into hot babes in tight fitting outfits. Dave Hover cranks out this fantastic piece of Tarzan art that pays homage to Mike Henry.
Here’s a sketch of Mike Henry who played Tarzan in the movies back in the mid 60’s. I’m a big Tarzan fan from way back, so every once in a while I’ll do a Tarzan sketch or two; I’ve got to somehow balance out all the women I draw.
The sketch was done with a brown prisma-color pencil.
Is this the same Dave Hoover who drew Captain America in the nineties?
That’s not Tarzan, that’s James Franco!
Mike Henry was great. Too bad he dropped out of the TV series because of injuries. He would have made a tremendous Batman or Superman, as well. He was the first Tarzan I saw as a kid and will always be my favorite.