DC Comics has expanded the contents of the FINAL CRISIS HC, collecting the explosive event written by Grant Morrison.
Now running 352 pages, this title will include FINAL CRISIS #1-7, FINAL CRISIS: SUBMIT #1 and FINAL CRISIS: SUPERMAN BEYOND #1-2, all written by Morrison, along with a new cover by J.G. Jones depicting the penultimate scene of the series.
The FINAL CRISIS HC (FEB090203) is advance-solicited in the February Previews and is scheduled to arrive in stores on June 10 with a price of $29.99 U.S. Because of these changes, this title will be made returnable at a later date.
Hot damn! Count me their first customer!
“expanded the contents” I’m guessing 200 pages (not in any logical order of course) to explain the psychological and philosophical reasons why Final Crisis is the best written anything since the beganning of time and why Morrison should be our new God.
Damn it, and here I bought FC: SB because I thought it wouldn’t be collected. Curses.
So…will each tpb come with 3-D glasses? I guess they don’t have much choice – but they could be really easily stolen from bookstores.
So, hang on …
The book now comes with MORE content and, because of that, you can choose to return the book? Was Final Crisis really that bad?
“Listen, we figured you guys would want to buy this in small doses, but since we’re going to hit you with all of this extra stuff, we’d completely understand if you decided that you didn’t want it anymore …”
Jacin: The returns policy is for the retailer. Because this book was already solicited, there are some customers who may have purchased the HC under the impression it would contain certain content. With the increase in content (and price?), and the order already being placed, the customer may decide they don’t want to pay extra, thus leaving the retailer high and dry. The return policy ensures the retailer isn’t stuck with a stack of trades he’ll never sell.
i wish they threw in Revelations too.
but this is good news… i only got to read #1-7 and i needed wikipedia AND the message boards to be able to figure out what the hell was going on and where the hell Superman went and came back from in the middle of the series (NEVER really explained in the main series).
Stephen: My explanation’s funnier.