Ever since Savage Dragon first endorssed Barack Obama on the cover of Savage Dragon #137, Image has had a tough time keeping the title in stock. The company announced the issue has sold out once again at the distributor level, prompting Image to go back to press for a thrid printing.
“Believe me, we’re trying to keep it in stock,” said SAVAGE DRAGON creator Erik Larsen. “We’ve been printing much more than we predicted needing and the demand just kept growing. I’m thrilled to know that whether people agree or disagree with Dragon, they’re extremely passionate about what may be the most important US Presidential election yet.”
The latest printing will arrive in stores October 15, 2008 for $2.99.
I weep for my adoptive homeland
Did he ever get any real consideration for the VP slot?
Meh. I only bought it ’cause I needed more toilet paper and knew I wouldn’t have time to make it to both the comic book store and the grocery store that night …
Well if he has the endorsement of Savage Dragon and P. Diddy…
@Jacin B
ewww, innapropriate dude XD
I think its an interesting cover and i get why people would buy it (lulz, historical value etc etc)
But i gotta wonder who in the imageverse would endorse McCain.
Doc Noble..nah
Invincible… definitely not
Captain Dynamo..maybe (Yeah i know hes dead)
Oh yeah and Omni-man doesnt vote he conquers…
I’m sure most members of Youngblood would endorse McCain.
Jacin B.: You know I love you like a Major Spoilers Brother, but you gotta lay off of the low attacks-the toilet paper line is pretty offensive. I don’t understand why we can’t often talk about politics and comics without being nasty. This is a historical election which is bringing strong feelings out from ALL sides. I may not like some. You may not like some. But we must be respectful.
As someone who isn’t American I wonder what makes it so Historical ? (of course anything that ever happens is “Historical”)
I always read that as
“We have an obligation to history to vote out the people we don’t like”
@randallw, to me its historical because its the first time a african american has won the primary for president,secondly its also the only time in my opinion(as of recent history)that an african american has been taken seriously as a presidential candidate.
I have to say I’m proud to say that it never occurred to me. I’d vote for McCain anyway. Not that it matters.
To go on a bit further
I was just catching up on my Mallard Filmore and I noticed an ad that keeps appearing from Obama and Biden calling for US citizens abroad to register and vote. Now I’m Australian, we do not have to make a decision to register and vote because the government has everyones name and address and if you do not turn up and vote on election day they will be very interested in knowing why, and if you don’t have a good enough answer you get fined (incidentally, I find this hilarious. Democracy is the right of everyone to voice their opinion equally – and if you don’t you get punished :) ) Anyway, my point. The ads I mentioned along with what I hear of celebrities running a campaign calling on people to make a difference and register to vote, well to this foreign cynic it appears like they realised they can’t make the votes so they have to pull as many as they can to have a chance (maybe they realised many of their supporters are either fictional or foreigners without a vote). Now as you could see I missed something before that seems in hindsight to be pretty obvious so maybe I’m missing something but I just thought it an observation worth noting.
I’m sure both the dead and comic book characters will find a way to vote for Obama, in most if not all swing states. Who knows they might even vote twice.