Marvel has announced that Amazing Spider-Man #569 featuring the brand new storyline, New Ways To Die, has sold out Wednesday. That’s a one-day sellout release from an issue that not only has Norman Osborn returning to Spidy comics but the return of John Romita Jr. on art.
There’s no doubt in my mind that Marvel will announce it will go back to press, but for now the company says readers should check with their local comic book shop.
These “X sold out!” notices would be slightly more impressive if they weren’t so common – hmm, you wouldn’t be having a smaller first printing to guarantee a sell out would you, Marvel?
I’m confused. Issue #568 is the one that came out Wed., and the first 2 covers shown, but the blurb says that #569 is the one that sold out. This issue isn’t even supposed to be out until next week. Maybe I’m too stupid to understand, but can someone help??
Me likey the venom cover
I’d like to talk about the content of the issue itself. If the whole Marvel U isn’t supposed to know (mindwipe “cough” bullcrap) that Pete is Spidey, then why the hell is Norman Obborn in Peter’s apartment with the T-Bolts waiting. Let me guess, because Parker takes pics of Spider-Man, right? Who the heck knows….
Brother129: Who care as long as people buy it. Sales = Success, right?
Is it me or is ASM simply selling because the EiC is putting big names on the title? If this is the great new direction, wouldn’t this sell with regular and/or new talent alone?