Here’s your first look at Superman from the upcoming Mortal Kombat v. DC Universe game.
Take the jump for the full image.
Man, as great as Superman looks, the destruction of Metropolis has me wondering what the heck is happening in the game.
More images and a huge version of the above at Worlds Collide.
In what universe would anyone in ‘Mortal Kombat’ have a snowball’s chance against the kind of uber-pissed Superman they’d be facing after destroying Metropolis.
Seriously. You see how he took out the Elite in “What’s so funny about Truth, Justice, and the American Way’ … ? The Mortal Kombat(ants) would wish he’d go that easy on them.
Man, that really highlights how ridiculous Supes’ costume is – strolling around a post-apocalyptic wasteland in his bright red boots, cape, and underwear.
Is it just me, or does that Supes look a little too much like Bruce Campbell?
Seriously, look at the face.
i’d pay good money to see a bruce campbell superman.
Is it just me or are they running out of ideas? Hypothetically, the only MK entity that would have any chance would be Rayden as he is the god of lightning or silly hats … I can’t quite remember. Kano, Smoke, Scorpion?!? You’re telling me those opponents would stack up against Supes, WW, GL, or shit even Krypto. This is EPIC FAIL.
One of the discussions I read about the game said that the concept of magic would be used to eaqual the characters out.
How can anyone look TOO much like Bruce Campbell?
I’d kill everybody in my office right now for a chin that awe-inspiring . . .
The images look cool. You’re right. I thought it looked like good ole Bruce Campbell too. “Hail to the King, baby.”
well, it’s obvious right? marvel v. capcom was such a success (not to mention street fighter v. x-men), this is bound to be a grand slam, despite the obvious incompatibility between the two franchises.
You know what? I’d be much happier if they’d just scrap this game and give us the DC MMORPG that they promised for the next-gen systems.
I would’ve preferred it if Capcom made Marvel vs DC.
Superman has a pre-established weakness to magic… or he did last time I checked.. :P
Jacin there’s your answer.