Is this Scott Pilgrim?
According to the Hollywood Reporter, Michael Cera is in final negotiations to play the lead in Scott Pilgrim’s Little Life based on Bryan Lee O’Malley.
“Life” tells the story of a young slacker (Cera) who meets the woman of his dreams but finds that he can only win her heart by battling and defeating her seven evil ex-boyfriends.
I think Cera would be a great Scott Pilgrim, and once all the roles are cast, Universal will begin production – probably in the fall.
Oh man !’m more excited for this movie to happen than like any other comic movie ever ! seriously I love scott pilgrim soo friggin much ! and Cera !!! MICHEAL CERA ! as scott is like bonkers fucking perfect
oh my god this movie needs to happen or time travel needs to be perfected
not familiar with Scott Pilgrim but the premise sounds awesome
It’s a great little comic – although I wonder how they are going to have scott fight all seven ex-boyfriends, when we are only four digests into the two year+ series and have only met three or four of those exes
One of the coolest aspects of this project not listed here is that Edgar Wright is set to direct. That’s Edgar Wright of “Shaun of the Dead” “Hot Fuzz” and “Spaced” fame.
Hopefully they will include the Wallace character in the film.
I really hope that there are save points and 1 ups and well everything else but I imagine he will only fight a few of the boy friends and then it will set up more sequels
I think Cera plays the “awkward, responsible teen” role pretty well. It should be interesting to see him in an hipster role… but I think Pilgrim would be better served by someone who appears to be a little more reckless and clumsy.