IESB has either gone full scale bonkers, or has really been doing its work on digging into the JLA film.
Would you believe not only will the film have Martian Manhunter, but also the OMACS, the killing of Max Lord by Wonder Woman, Checkmate, and Darkseid killing Superman? Yeah, I don’t believe it either, it’s just way over the top, and from the plot summary by Action Boy, seems rather lame; jam packed with waaaay too much story than could reasonably be contained in a two hour movie and still make sense. Mr. Action’s description actually makes me want to see David Goyer’s Super Max over this film.
You can read the whole thing over at the site, but it sounds like someone was watching an early copy of Death of Superman DVD, reading Infinite Crisis, and the OMACS series simultaneously, while smoking a bit of the holy herb and started tripping. Seriously, if this is the real film summary, Warner Bros. should have dropped the $20 million paycheck at my door, and I would have whipped something up (free tip #2: Make Lex Luthor a reluctant good guy).
Oh and apparently this fast-tracked film will feature a bunch of not well known actors and Leonardo DiCaprio as Aquaman – the lamest character on the team. Since Routh and Bale (and now apparantly Tom Welling) won’t be playing any of the major roles, why would Leo go for King Lame of the Sea?
Is it sounding crazy messed up to you too? Everything seems so far fetched, that I wouldn’t be surprised if all this stuff is being made up for Link Love Friday.
Well here you go gents: via
(free tip #3: Start the film with The Question tracking a mystery).
I’m sure it’s all the same crap you get before any movie, a bunch of rough ideas all bunched up in one bag of speculation. Remember the script for Star Wars: Episode I that had young Anakin working alongside a pilot with a young Corellian cabin boy named Han in a brand-new Millenium Falcon?
No, I don’t remember that, but I do remember a movie called Cabin Boy that had an old guy that never grew up working on an old ship…would that be similar?
No, I don’t remember that, but I do remember a movie called Cabin Boy that had an old guy that never grew up working on an old ship…would that be similar?
You… scare me, Stephen.
Hey, come on, remember the rumors of a capeless, black-suited Superman who couldn’t fly fighting Brainiac and his gay robot partner? These things sort themselves out.
It’s a slippery slope. Go too far one way and you get Superman Returns, which is decent but overlong and dull, go too far the other way and you get Fantastic Four, which is literally a comic book come to life…a BAD comic book, like an Ultimate FF issue written by a 7-year-old.
Hey, Free Tip #4–
If you need a POV character for the audience to ID with, make it Wally West; establish him as a legacy character trying to fill Barry Allen’s shoes. Batman will be a brooding shadow, Superman will be the muscle, and Wonder Woman will be the vengeful goddess…you need someone the audience can feel a little more empathy for…that’s Flash, baby.
And Vincent Chase IS available to reprise Aquaman now that Medellin has wrapped…but he’ll probably want a hefty payday.
Wait – what? Ultimate Fantastic Four is written by a 7-year-old? That…that explains so much…
and oh yeah, good Entourage play on that one Mark!
Hey, come on, remember the rumors of a capeless, black-suited Superman who couldn’t fly fighting Brainiac and his gay robot partner?
I would have SEEN that movie!
Okay, maybe not. I was still watching One Life To Live when they fired Brandon Routh.