Top Cow Productions has announced it plans to release a new series of prose fiction based on the company’s properties. First out of the gate will be The Darkness Volume 1 Novel.
The Darkness has been getting a lot of action lately in a variety of media from games, comics, online comics and more.
“The prose format definitely gives us the opportunity to get deeper into Jackie’s mind during those early days,” commented Filip Sablik, Vice President of Marketing & Sales, “And with a whole new group of fans coming in from the video game, we want to provide a number of different ways for them to explore the world of The Darkness.”
The book is being written by novelist Kerri Hawkins and will tell the story of Jackie as a young lad in the orphanage, the relationship with childhood friend Jenny, time spent with the Franchetti crime family, and his transformation into The Darkness.
The Darkness Volume 1 Novel will be 150 pages long and will sell for $6.99. The book should be in stores July 2007.