I’m still catching up in my reading, and just finished Tales of the Unexpected #6. As expected, Crispus Allen and The Spectre are getting to a very scary point in their relationship, and the Dr. 13 backup story continues to spiral to the weird.
Which brings me to the Fun Panel of the Week; Dr. 13 and his entourage of I. Vampire and talking gorilla Nazi find themselves in a subway tunnel. As cars pass, we get a glimpse of those inside.
Is it me or from left to right do we have Wolverine, Clark Kent, some fat lady, Matt Murdock, and Peter Parker?
In the midst of the weirdness I had to do a spit-take, which does nothing for the resale value of this book.
I wondered if that was meant to be The Kidney Lady from Howard The Duck…
hmm, are those ruby quartz glasses?
Matt: Good catch!
Denny: At first I thought Scott Summers too, but then I noticed the walking stick and figured him for Daredevil.
Seeing as how most of the characters are Marvel related, is the second figure still Clark Kent, or someone else from Marvel?