Browsing: Movies

Director Edgar Write has posted a second video from the Scott Pilgrim set, this time with actors. Blog Two – First Day of Principal Photography – Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World from Scott Pilgrim The Movie on Vimeo.

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You’ve already seen young Cyclops in the trailer to May’s Wolverine movie, and you may be seeing more of him in the near future (providing he doesn’t agree to appear in a DC Comics movie).  In an interview with Fox Movie Channel, franchise producer Lauren Shuler did say the X-Men: First Class movie was on the way and would be a flashback flick featuring the young versions of the mutants we’ve all come to love. It is the first class of Xavier’s school, way back when, so it’s young Scott, young Jean, young Beast and that’ll be really fun… I…

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The Hollywood Reporter is confirming that the Green Lantern movie will be shot in Sydney, Australia.  Martin Campbell will direct, with the script being written by Greg Berlanti and Michael Green.   THR says the budget is $150 million, so that should translate into some big screen spectacular effects. The film goes into production in July, with filming begining in November, with an expected theater release date in December 2010. via THR

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By Pooh writer, we’re not saying his work is something for the dung pile, but rather the co-writer of the Disney Pooh’s Heffalump Movie, Evan Spiliotopoulos.  Evan has been tapped by Universal Pictures to write the sequel to the Mark Millar and J.G. Jones Wanted comic series. I’m a little confused on how this will play out.  The ending of the comic book and the movie were both pretty concluding, so whipping out a sequel (especially when the movie ended with all the bad guys biting it) seems to be stretching things a bit.  I just hope this news doesn’t…

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John Carter is one of those properties that has been passed around from company to company over the years, with each allowing the option expire before anything substantial could be done.  Disney has had its hands on the Edgar Rice Burrough’s book since 2007, with Andy Stanton and Mark Andrews writing a draft of the film, now called The Princess of Mars. Word from Pulitzer prize-winner author Michael Chabon indicates the film may be closer to going into production as the scribe has confirmed he was brought on to polish the script. “I’ve been hired to do some revisions to…

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The official press release is below the jump, but in a nutshell, vampires are a hot commodity once again, Laurell K. Hamilton’s Anita Blake has sold well in novel form, and has done almost as well with the Marvel Comics adaptation, so the next best thing is for IFC to take the property to the television to be adapted by X-Files guru Glen Morgan.  The television feature is expected to be ready for the summer of 2010.

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The Hollywood Reporter is reporting that the Darkstorm Comic I, Frankenstein is being adapted into a motion picture. If the comic doesn’t sound familiar to you, that’s because the Kevin Grevioux penned comic hasn’t even arrived in stores yet. In the story, and presumably in the movie, Frankenstein’s Monster has learned to control his anger, and has teamed up with the Invisible Man to form a detective agency.  Apparently Dracula will be the heavy kingpin of crime in the story. “It’s a Raymond Chandler-esque monster mash where the rogues don’t pack pistols, they’ve got claws and fangs,” Ryan Turek, of…

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Seems interest in Blade Runner is returning to an all time high – first it was Boom! Studios announcing plans to release a 24 issue maxi-series covering Philip K. Dick’s story, now I find out Profiles in History is auctioning off Harrison Ford’s Deckard gun from the Blade Runner movie. Only one hero firing weapon was made for the production which was created by mating a Steyr-Mannlicher Model .222 SL receiver on to a Charter Arms .44 police bulldog double-action revolver. It features custom amber grips, dual triggers, and futuristic illuminating LEDs (four red and two green) that can be…

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Seth Rogen ought to pay attention to this flick by French filmmaker Aurenlien Poitrimoult, who’s whipped up his take on The Green Hornet. [quicktime width=”560″ height=”301″][/quicktime] Now this is a film, I want to see more of! via Le Frelon Vert Film

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Rumors were bandied about last week that tweener heart-throb Zac Efron had landed the role as Jonny Quest.  The rumor looks like it is face in reports showing up on the L.A. Times Hero Complex blog.  The odd part is, it looks like Warner Bros. might drop the name Jonny Quest from the title of the film, for fearing it will be likend to Speed Racer. Here’s a tip H’Wood – it isn’t the name that put the negative conoation on the Speed Racer film, it was the lavish over the top stylized crapfest of a story the Wachowski brothers…

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Edgar Wright, the director behind the upcoming Scott Pilgrim vs. The World movie, posted this introductory video at the official Scott Pilgrim movie website over the weekend, in which he gives fans a hint of things to come. Scott Pilgrim Official Movie Site via Oni Press

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Alex Tse, the writer behind the film adaptation of DC’s Watchmen has been tapped by Paramount Pictures and Plan B to adapt Paul Pope’s Battle Boy graphic novel for the big screen. Brad Pitt’s production company picked up rights to the forthcoming graphic novel written and illustrated by Paul Pope in November. The story line follows the son of a god who comes down from the top of a mountain at his father’s urging to rid the giant, continent-sized city of Monstropolis of a plague of beasts. The graphic novel doesn’t arrive until later this spring, but the early images…

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