Browsing: Major Spoilers

There are a lot of great movies coming out in 2015, and though we know what movies are high on our radar, there are questions as to what movies you are most interested in seeing.  Once again, we dive deep into the bucket to ponder why Milk Duds taste so good on buttery popcon, as we ask the all important theater going questions. VOTE! [poll id=”369″]

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This weekend’s accidental entertainments (the vagaries of Cox Cable have shut down a couple of my regular channels thanks to negotiation difficulties) included the latest X-Men film (not bad), the second half of ‘Jumanji’ (surprisingly enjoyable), and Top Gun’, which as always is a testosterone-laden Reagan-era impolitic train wreck of a film…  and I couldn’t look away.  It’s a film that lives and dies on the charisma of actors (especially Val Kilmer, whom I have always admired), and even though I hate Maverick and everything he says, does and represents, it was still an enjoyable viewing experience, which leads us…

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Rumors have been swirling for some time that Marvel Comics will be cancelling Fantastic Four to avoid publicity for the upcoming Fox film version of the team, and now it seems that they are true.  It has, admittedly, been quite a while since Fantastic Four was actually the central point of the Marvel Universe as in the sixties, but it also seems that this could be the final nail in the coffin of the increasingly-alienated team.  If you ask me (although nobody ever does) a better solution would be to simply recast the team in such a manner that they…

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This week, let’s look ahead to a new book coming out on March 25 from Dark Horse called PastAways! I interview the book’s creators Matt Kindt (from MindMGMT) and Scott Kolins (from The Flash) as we prepare for its upcoming launch!  They give us a lot of information about what I like to call an “adventure” comic, including how the concept and title of the series came to be as well as dishing on the characters and some great sci-fi concepts we’ll find there. Both will update us on other projects they’re working on as well, so don’t miss it! 

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Yesterday, we discussed which of Marvel Comics female heroes should get their own movies next (*coughShe-Hulkcough*), but it’s not just Marvel that’s trying to turn their comics into billion-dollar movie properties. With that big-budget Wonder Woman film on the horizon, Warner Brothers and DC also have a stake in making cool movies and as deep a bench of cool super-types from which to choose. How ’bout a Zatanna flick? Or a kung-fu action movie featuring Black Canary? If we’re really trying to plant a bug in corporate ears, we should ask for a Worlds Finest flick with Power Girl and…

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In this installment of Critical Hit – A Major Spoilers Dungeons and Dragons Podcast: The party find themselves deep in Cragmaw Hideout! Visit the Major Spoilers store for Critical Hit and Major Spoilers merchandise!

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Before anyone arrives to chastise me, I’ve always hated the term “heroine” (a fact which is neither here nor there, but worth getting out of the way).  My pecadilloes aside, we now know that the Marvel’s Phase 3 slate of films features a standalone movie for Captain Marvel, the first Marvel film with a solo female hero in the title role, and it’s honestly well-past time for it. In fact, I’d say that it’s time for a lot more, especially given the number of fun characters available from Marvel’s 50-year history of publishing. (Yes, there are characters in their that…

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Top Five “That Guy” Character Actors Top Five is a show where the hosts categorize, rank, compare, and stratify everything… from cars to gadgets to people and movies. From stuff that is hot, and things that are not nearly as interesting – it’s Top Five. Bruce returns to share his top five actors that make you say, “Hey! It’s that guy!”

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