The new Spider-Man who was once the old Spider-Man takes to the streets for the first time… again? Your Major Spoilers review of Amazing Spider-Man #77 from Marvel Comics awaits!

Writer: Kelly Thompson
Artist: Sara Pichelli
Colorist: Nolan Woodard
Letterer: VC’s Joe Caramagna
Editor: Nick Lowe
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: October 27, 2021
Previously in Amazing Spider-Man: The Beyond Corporation has purchased the rights to Spider-Man’s name and likeness from the bankrupt Parker Industries, and has asked Ben Reilly to be their corporate-sponsored Arach-Knight. After giving his blessing, Peter Parker crossed with the U-Foes, leaving him irradiated, poisoned and in a coma. Ben is now the sole Spider-Man and he’s got a lot of work to do.
Amazing Spider-Man #77 opens with Spider-Man under siege by two opponents who seem to have his number, but Ben Reilly isn’t about to give up that quickly. Taking the upper hand with a couple of quick moves, he disables his opponents weapons, but his handlers at Beyond Corp. aren’t happy… especially since it’s a training session. Maxine Danger (my new favorite character name) dresses him down for his recent misbehavior and endless quipping, while his therapist Dr. Kafka tries to unravel the source of his guilt, with some ominous bits of dialogue that make think she’s not on the up-and-up. She does give him the night off, though, allowing Spidey to make plans with his best girl, Janine. As for Peter, he’s still unconscious, but both Mary Jane and Aunt May are seeking help from anyone and everyone they can think of. As the issue ends, Spider-Man engages a maddened Morbius…
…and LOSES!?
First my complaint: The main villain of this issue, Michael Morbius, a part of the Marvel Universe since 1971 or so, has his name misspelled multiple times, in big bold letters as “Moribus”. It’s a big bummer for me, especially since Sara Pichelli’s art has provided a huge boost for my enjoyment of Amazing Spider-Man compared to last issue’s work by Patrick Gleason. Her Ben is handsome, heroic and cool, while the Daughters of the Dragon, Morbius and other look good without many changes from their most recent looks. Her Maxine Danger is a terrifying, authoritarian presence, necessary to make the character work, and her spider-poses are top-notch. This issue’s story features a number of clever/hilarious moments at the Beyond Corp. that recall the madness of nextwave, as well as an ominous moment where Ben tells Dr. Kafka about a memory, only to have it disappear from his head as he speaks. Something is up there, and that final page with Ben about to have his blood drawn is as strong a cliffhanger as Amazing has had in months.
In the strictest sense, Amazing Spider-Man #77 is Ben’s re-debut as the top Spider-Man (though the issue keeps calling him the “sole” Spidey, there’s still a Mister Morales to consider) and the new art team really sells this as an all-new era, with a strong story and great emotional beats throughout, earning 4 out of 5 stars overall. After the incredibly frustrating Sinister War, this feels like an exciting shot of the new for Amazing Spider-Man. The countdown to the reveal that the Beyond Corporation is actually evil starts…. NOW!
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The art is stellar, the story moves quick, but the editorial staff left a number of problems through, including misspelling the villain's name twice. It's good, though.