Hate-Monger is free and it is up to all the Captains America to stand up to him before he hypnotizes the United States! Check out this incredible team in The United Sates of Captain America #5 by Marvel Comics!

Writer: Christopher Cantwell
Artist: Dale Eaglesham
Colorist: Matt Milla
Letterer: VC’s Joe Caramagna
Editor: Alanna Smith
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Cover Price: $4.99
Release Date: October 20th, 2021
Previously in The United Sates of Captain America: Steve Rodger’s shield has been stolen and is being used as a symbol of disunity by the thieves. Captain America allies himself with the Captains Network to recover his shield However, Woman Warrior reveals her true plan, to hypnotize America and allow Hate-Monger to take over. Captain America, Falcon, Winter Soldier, US Agent, and a few members of the Captains Network must work together and show the true meaning of the shield.
The United States of Captain America #5 starts with US Agent interrogating Mother Superior. After using some unsavory tactics, he learns that Hate-Monger is going to use the shield as a focal point for hypnosis. Additionally, they have a location on where they plan to broadcast this hypnosis. Captain America, Falcon, and US Agents prepare to go on the offensive. Meanwhile, Bucky Barnes is with Captain Jeremy Merrick to aid him make a containment unit for Hate-Monger. When Bucky gets a call from Steve, he immediately is suspicious that it might be a trap. And he was right because Captain America, Falcon, and US Agent are taken prisoner by Hate-Monger.
Luckily, Bucky Barnes calls in the calvary and the entire Captains Network arrives to help fight against Hate-Monger. United, the sixteen Captain Americas are able to trap Hate-Monger and defeat the Woman Warrior. However, it is being live streamed, and Aaron takes point to tell America that all the Captain America’s have their back.
I taught the first issue of The United States of Captain America #5 in a high school English class a couple of weeks ago. The goal was to try and get students some perspective on what unity is in America. I knew how this story was going to end. It was apparent that all these Captains America were going to come together to punch Nazis. But I found myself on the edge of my seat because the idea that a LBTQIA+, an African American, Native American, Asian-American, and a military man can come together and respect the symbol of Captain America was amazing.
There is a conversation recently about this run of Captain America being too “woke” lately and I wonder what those people would say about this comic. Because it shows a diverse group of people coming together for the common goal to “punch Nazis’. Which isn’t really subtle at all.
I do not usually read Captain America titles. They never grabbed my attention as much as other Marvel titles. But The United States of Captain America is a must-read in my opinion. The ideas that are being presenting are heartfelt and applicable to modern day issues and will receive a 5 out of 5 from me. Great work by the creative team.
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The United States of Captain America #5 (of 5)
The United States of Captain America #5 has been a great story and a thrilling ride.