Once again, we return to the field of comparison to look at two important, but widely maligned members of their respective universes. Each is a founding member of the greatest super-team of their world, each is a powerhouse equal to the strongest members of their team and each… is green. Indeed, The Martian Manhunter and The Hulk have another thing in common, as they have been retconned away from their founding status, one by having Captain America considered an honorary founder in their place, the other by literally being replaced by Cyborg. They also disappeared for many years from the JLA and/or Avengers, leading to today’s not-that-easy-bein’ query…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) I always thought that the Amalgam folks missed a huge opportunity by not creating the Incredible Maritian Manhulker, asking: Martian Manhunter Or The Hulk?
Weighing things carefuHULK!
That is to say, if you takHULK!!
Martian Manhunter. He got red suspenders.
man, Hulk ain’t afraid of fire. easy pick.