Class is back in session! After a battle with The Hollow that left Doyle dead and Emily gravely injured, everyone must try and adjust back to normal life. Check it out in Strange Academy #8 by Marvel Comics!

Writer: Skottie Young
Artist: Humberto Ramos
Colorist: Edgar Delgado
Letterer: VC’s Clayton Cowles
Editor: Nick Lowe
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: February 3rd, 2021
Previously in Strange Academy: Emily Bright and Doyle Dormammu led a team of students into the swamp to fight the Hollow. It didn’t end well, and Emily body was infected with dark magic and Doyle died. When Emily came too, she gave Doyle a good-bye kiss. With that kiss, Doyle returned back to life.
Some of the students are sent with Groot and Rocket Raccoon on a field trip into Space to find the mortum orb. Meanwhile, Emily has returned back to classes and Doyle is regularly meeting with Dead Girl for counseling. After 3rd Period Spells and Summons class, Emily is pulled aside by Doctor Strange who offers her a ring from Doyle that will help propel the dark magic still within Emily. While leaving, she hears the voice of someone from Doctor Strange’s basement that is from a prisoner. Before she can contemplate it further, she gets a call from Calvin who needs her to open a portal for the students in space before they are eaten by giant bird aliens. She returns back to the library and helps create a portal for an escape route for the other students.
Man, this school is not that safe is it? Field Trips across space and time? Never a dull moment in Strange Academy! What I liked here was the willingness for the teachers to try and help the student through the trauma and it wasn’t just brushed under the rug. This arc is going to feature two things. One it is going to have to deal with healing Emily of whatever dark energy is in her body. Second is going to be Doyle dealing with his fate and the fact that he is literally died. Deep themes despite the silliness of a field trip into space. I wasn’t as fond of the art in this issue. I had trouble telling some things apart when it came to scenes with a lot of characters in it. I think that is more on me instead of the artist though.
I like the ideas presented here and I believe they are going to pay off. While this issue might have been a little slow, there is a lot to grasp going on and a lot to learn about the characters. 3.5 out of 5 from me. Looking forward to seeing where this arc goes.
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Strange Academy #8
Strange Academy takes some of the tragedy of earlier issues and allows us to see how these kids cope with it.