Emily Jackson is a treasure hunter! Only problem is the treasure she takes is owned legally by other people. But find out what happens when she gets a whiff of a real treasure in Loot #1 by Scout Comics!
LOOT #1 (OF 6) 
Writer: Don Hanfield and Richard Rayner
Artist: K. Lynn Smith
Colorist: K. Lynn Smith
Letterer: K. Lynn Smith
Publisher: Scout Comics
Cover Price: $1.99
Release Date: January 27th, 2021
Previously in Loot: Orphaned at birth, Emily was constantly getting into trouble. Luckily the cop that kept arresting her decided to adopt her. Now Viola Jackson has retired from being a cop and works security for a superstore. Emily on the other hand has a different passion. While she works her mother as “loss-prevention” her true passion is treasure hunting!
Emily was a foster kid always getting into trouble. She stole from the uninformed rich to send their priceless objects to a museum. Unfortunately, stealing is still stealing and often found herself in trouble with the law. But through these incidents, Emily met her new adopted mother, a cop known as Viola Jackson. Now that she has calmed down, she has become president of the Arm Chair Treasure Hunt Club of Central Ohio where they begin to look for the treasure of Diana Jensen. Emily has a real clue of where this treasure could be, but her mother won’t give time off nor an advance on her paycheck to fly to the location. Read the book and see if you can also figure out the clues to where the treasure is located!
Emily has a very clear view of her life and what she wants, and it clouds her ability that perhaps her elders know a little better. But when you are a foster kid without a parent for most of your life, how can you trust your elders? It is a theme we see often in stories like these and this one explores it well. While she doesn’t disobey her mother directly in this issue, I’m curious to see if she runs away from home to pursue this treasure. The tone of this story doesn’t imply a dark theme, but it could be interesting to explore.
I think this is a good children’s story. I get Encyclopedia Brown, Hardy Boys, and Nancy Drew feels. However, I couldn’t figure out where the treasure was. Though I didn’t spend a lot of time on figuring it out, I think it would require a google search. Or perhaps I am just not that good with treasure hunts. Regardless, I think this is a fun read for a child or preteen.
I am not the target audience for the book, but I like a story that features a young female protagonist for a younger generation. This is something I would give to my daughter when she is a little older and hope that she doesn’t try to fly off to find buried treasure somewhere. Regardless, 4 out of 5 for Loot #1. I think it will be a good series overall and would be interested to see the relationship develop between Emily and her mother!
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Loot #1 (of 6)
Loot is a book about a young treasure hunter that might be too headstrong for her own good.