Matt Murdock is in prison (again). But, that doesn’t mean that Hell’s Kitchen is without its Daredevil. Your Major Spoilers review of Daredevil #25 from Marvel Comics, awaits!
Writer: Chip Zdarsky
Artist: Marco Checchetto
Colorist: Marcio Menyz
Letterer: VC’s Clayton Cowles
Editor: Devin Lewis
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: December 2nd, 2020
Previously in Daredevil: After pleading guilty to a manslaughter charge Daredevil has begun his prison sentence, leaving Hell’s Kitchen in the hands of his old frenemy Elektra.
Daredevil #25 opens with a quick flashback of Elektra and Matt back in their younger more romantic days. It then cuts to Matt in prison, mask and all. He’s then visited by Elektra who has effortlessly broken into the prison. Elektra then reveals that she knows The Hand is reforming, but her and Matt’s old mentor Stick, has found a way to counter The Hand, something called The Fist. Matt says he’s uninterested because of who Elektra is and he can’t trust the type of person she’s become. Elektra leaves and ponders how to get Matt on board with her and Stick’s plan when she realizes how, after an encounter with a homeless person. The next day during a police pursuit of a stolen van, Elektra appears dressed as Daredevil having decided to take on the moniker. The issue then ends with a reveal about The Fist.
One of the hallmarks of Chip Zdarsky’s run on Daredevil has been the interconnected story of many characters in Hell’s Kitchen. This issue though brings that focus down to just two characters: Matt Murdock and Elektra. It’s a bit early in this story arc to determine if this new focus is going to continue or be effective, but as of right now it does seem to be treading some familiar ground; that being a story of them not seeing eye to eye due to methods and motivation, remembering the good times, another shot of Elektra being impaled by Bullseye, The Hand and so on. Throw in the fact that Matt is in jail, and a good deal of this comic feels like bits and pieces from other famous runs of Daredevil pasted together. That being said, having Elektra take on the Daredevil name outright, that’s an interesting twist that warrants some more exploration.
Two new suits appeared here in this issue which is somewhat noteworthy. The first being Matt’s prison suit. Now, Daredevil has always featured some fanciful applications of the law, but seeing Matt in an orange jumpsuit and a little orange mask really pushes the limits even if the look itself somehow works. The other new suit, and the more interesting one by far, is Elektra’s Daredevil suit. This is a good looking costume. Incorporating Elektra’s ninja/The Hand roots with the iconic horns and Elektra’s penchant for red scarves, this is a great look that I’m itching to see more of.
The Matt/Elektra dynamic is one that’s been explored over and over again. It has the potential to be a relationship that can be used to do interesting things narratively. Just don’t expect something entirely new and original in this issue. What is new is seeing Elektra take on a more traditional hero role rather than an antihero one. Also, that costume is really cool. 3.5 out of 5 stars.
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There’s no shortage of Daredevil story arcs that feature these two teaming up/feuding and this has some similar trappings of those stories. It also has some elements that are fresh and unique. So this one can really go either way.