Willow knows something is going on in Abhainn but it is such a cozy place everyone seems to be happy. Will Willow go out of her comfort zone and figure out what is going on? Find out in Willow #4 by BOOM! Studios.

Writer: Mariko Tamaki
Artist: Natacha Bustos
Colorist: Eleonora Bruni
Letterer: Jodi Wynne
Editor: Jeanine Schaefer
Publisher: BOOM! Studios
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: October 14th, 2020
Previously in Willow: Willow Rosenberg has not returned to Sunnydale after studying abroad. In her wandering, she arrived in Abhainn, a place completely inhabited by witches. She becomes attached to their leader, Alera, who teaches her how to use her magic and her powers begin to blossom. But everything just seems a little… off.
Willow has been having a great time in Abhainn. She goes to the witch bonfires, has lessons with Alera, and eats meals with her newfound family. Heck, Alera even takes the time to repair a loose thread on Willow’s sweater! However, in the middle of the night she is approached by another witch who is trying to leave the city. She begs Willow for help in her escape though it leaves Willow perplexed. In the middle of the night, Willow arrives at their meeting spot and finds the other person being chased by a pack of wolves! Willow dispels the magic to reveal Alera controlling the wolf horde and informing them that they cannot leave!
This comic arc has had a slow progression as we established Willow’s emotional status and the setting of this rather odd town. Now that we are in the 4th issue, we finally see the tension that has been established go full force! Now we have to figure out what Alera’s motivation is because that is still a mystery. She doesn’t quite feel like a huge antagonist that we would expect yet. And perhaps that is why I am enjoying this arc so much because nothing is very clear because our protagonist doesn’t have a solid opinion yet. I feel like I’m learning things with Willow and that is fairly rare for me in this media. Loving the story and can’t wait to see the conclusion.
Willow has been a great series. The art has been very well drawn, the colors are vibrant, and I love the writer’s patience in his reveals. Heck, it took us four issues for the antagonist to be revealed! That is a great thing in my opinion and therefore will give 4.5 out of 5 for this comic book. I want to see how Willow grows at the end of this and if she is going to defeat Alera or perhaps make her change her ways.
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Willow #4
Willow knows something is off in Abhainn but does she really want to do anything about it?