One of the formative experiences of my life came in 1983 or so, when my next-door neighbor and default best friend Shane brought over his cassette tape copy of ‘Weird Al Yankovic in 3-D‘, featuring ‘Eat It’, one of the greatest parody song moments of all time. It started off a life-long fandom for me, to the point where I have collected nearly all his albums and carry them with me in my phone. Al’s fame is such that even lesser parodies are labeled as his work (woe betide those who searched Limewire or such sites back in the day), leading to today’s 4:4 query…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) leans towards ‘Trapped In The Drive-Thru’, which not only parodies the style and words of the endless original, but runs nearly 10 minutes to tell a similar pointless (but much funnier) shaggy dog story, asking: What’s the greatest parody song of all time?
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For its ubiquity, it’s hard to beat “Jingle Bells, Batman Smells.”