X-Force has two sub section, the mutants that gather intelligence and the big guns who do the heavy lifting. With Charles Xavier’s death and resurrection, how will Krakoa retaliate against the people who attacked them? Find out in X-Force #4 by Marvel!
Writer: Benjamin Percy
Artist: Joshua Cassara
Colorist: Dean White and Guru-eFX
Letterer: VC’s Joe Caramagna
Editor: Jordan D. White
Publisher: Marvel
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: December 18th, 2019
Previously on X-Force: The new mutant nation of Krakoa is a safe place for any mutant who wants to be there. However, many people around the world have had a hard time adjusting to this new nation and many challenge their legitimacy. One unknown group has gone so far as to attack the island itself. This attack led to the death and resurrection of Charles Xavier and the reforming of X-Force. Will this team be able to keep the mutant nation safe?
In this issue, we see both sides of X-Force showing off their expertise while the council in Krakoa discuss the attack on the island. To begin, Jean Grey, Beast, and Sage begin to gather intelligence of an attack of Xavier Pharmaceutical’s Distribution Site that is off the eastern seaboard. Whoever attacked this place was using different weapons then the attack on Krakoa and is trying to bankrupt Xavier. In the Quiet Council, there is a debate about the need of X-Force and what is their purpose. Many questions arise about the morality of having a secret service and if they should fight back against the terrorists. Meanwhile, Domino, Kid Omega, and Wolverine visit Forge to get geared up but they are interrupted by being called to action. Another of Xavier’s businesses is attacked in San Francisco and the muscle part of X-Force is on the way. However as they begin to enter the portal, a bomb explodes on the portal that prevents Domino from crossing, killing Kid Omega, and ripping Wolverine in half.
Xavier compared X-Force to Hercules and Athena. Hercules needed Athena’s wisdom to go through his trials while Athena needed Hercules strength. X-Force is built on this same concept. We have the intelligence and the muscle. While I’m unsure if the Greek mythos is 100% accurate, I get the point that the writer is trying to make. This middle section of the novel felt that the story is trying to justify the need for this team to both the reader and the council involved. This felt largely unnecessary to me unless they were trying to create divides in the Quiet Council. However, there wasn’t an apparent divide created and many of the debating felt rather civil.
Despite this, I really like the premise of the brains and the brawns. It is a trope that is often used in narrative fiction but this comic executes it well. We see both teams in action. Jean Grey as a psychic, Sage as a technopath, and Beast as a science guy makes an incredible team. Watching Wolverine, Domino, and Kid Omega really prep for battle and watching them process information is very interesting as well This part of the novel worked wonders and it is back with decent art from the creative team as well. I want to see more of this, two separate teams working under the same banner to complete objectives.
I think this novel really needs to simply pick up the pace. This conversation with the council could have ended with Xavier’s analogy of Athena and Hercules and moved right along to something more exciting. If we just tightened the middle section, I think the book could have been so much stronger. I am looking forward to how the team functions and hope we don’t focus too much on the politics of why the team should exist. 3.5 out of 5 stars for X-Force #4.
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X-Force #4
I really like the premise of the brains and the brawns. It is a trope that is often used in narrative fiction but this comic executes it well.