Canto #6
The point of the story is not the final goal but the journey to get there. It doesn't matter if Canto succeeded at the Emerald Tower or not. Simply the act of trying his best pushed his movement forward.
Canto’s first quest is coming to an epic conclusion. He is currently face to face with the Shrouded Man to get his beloved’s heart. Will he be successful? Come find out in Canto #6 by IDW Publishing!
Writer: David Booher
Artist: Drew Zucker
Colorist: Vittorio Astone
Letterer: Deron Bennett
Editor: David Mariotte
Publisher: IDW Publishing
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: November 20th, 2019
Previously on Canto: Canto has had an arduous journey to the Emerald Tower to find his beloved’s heart. With his companions, he has shown bravery and courage when the path ahead seemed impossible. Now in the city of Dis, he has made it to the Emerald Tower and has met the Shrouded Man who took him to a pond. In the pond he sees his reflection, a reflection of a knight who has failed his quest.
The issue picks up with Canto talking to the Shrouded Man. The Shrouded Man, who has been revealed to be a folk hero, monologues that he took away hearts to take away hope. Canto picks up his axe to strike at the man but is quickly overpowered. Zixia, a giant bird, saves Canto and takes him back to his hometown. Canto learns that he had fan the flames of hope and his people were able to free themselves from their slavers. He failed his quest and is heavily injured but his actions inspired many to rise up against their oppressors.
Canto has had an interesting journey that provides a lot of food for thought. From Canto’s perspective, he failed to get his beloved heart but that doesn’t matter to the people he inspires. He thwarted the Shrouded Man by giving people hope even if he couldn’t complete his specific objective. It is a fascinating thought. The point of the story is not the final goal but the journey to get there. It doesn’t matter if Canto succeeded at the Emerald Tower or not. Simply the act of trying his best pushed his movement forward. What a grand idea that allows Canto to fail but still has a positive effect to the story title. I loved the idea and it makes me think deeply on the narrative arc of the story.
There was not a lot of action in this issue but it was well paced. I think this has a lot to do with the writing always kept us moving forward. Despite a lot of talking, every line of dialogue had intent and that takes a lot of technical writing skill. The art was at its peak but the thing that really stood out was the last few pages. Those last few panels were stunning and the dialogue ends with Canto’s self reflection. A reflection of his journey of seeing himself as a battle-worn knight who has failed his quest. His motto has always been “I will try” and as he leaves with his people; that encouragement is still there. Canto will try and continue to spread hope.
Canto’s cover art implies that this is a kids book. However, the topics are deep, impactful, and suitable for all ages. I am looking forward to see what the creative team is going to do with the character in 2020. I do not believe that this is a perfect novel but this is all I want in a story. 5 out of 5 for the finale of Canto’s first quest in Canto #6 from IDW Publishing.