Fresh out of a family tragedy, the Blaine children seem to be heading right into another one. A tragedy that may have started long ago. Your Major Spoilers review of The Plot #2 from Vault Comics can be found, after the jump!
Writers: Tim Daniel & Michael Moreci
Artist: Joshua Hixson
Colorist: Jordan Boyd
Letterer: Jim Campbell
Editor: Adrian T. Wassel
Publisher: Vault Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: October 30th, 2019
Previously in The Plot: Zach and Mackenzie Blaine’s parents were brutally murdered. This put them in the care of their Uncle Chase, a family member they barely know. Having nowhere to take the two children Chase is forced to bring them back to his family estate, a large house he isn’t very happy to return to, in a town that isn’t very happy to see him return. Mackenzie and Zach both encounter something spooky, the latter finding himself drowning in a swamp.
Stay Out Of The Water
The Plot #2 opens up inside of a police station. Inside a young woman named Reese has been brought in after being picked up wandering out in the road. She then throws up something completely black. She is then taken to the hospital. She doesn’t stay long though when a mysterious voice calls out to her. Back on the Blaine Estate, Zach is nearly drowned when a hand reaches into the water and pulls him out. It turns out to be Reese. The town Sheriff and Chase come running over and manage to save the boy’s life. Chase, Reese, and Mackenzie sit down inside and have a conversation. It’s clear that Reese and Chase have a history, but Chase remains cryptic about it. Even after Reese pushes him Chase doesn’t break. Eventually Reese leaves in frustration. Some time goes by and The Blaines are trying to get ready for the day, but there’s something monstrous in the house stalking them just out of sight and Zach coughing up the same black substance as Reese earlier did. Mackenzie goes to school while Chase stays home to explore the basement. While at school Mackenzie finds herself looking out the window where someone cloaked in red is watching her. Back at the house Chase finds a wall that seems out of place. He takes a sledgehammer to it, only to find a corpse behind it.
Slow Burn Horror
In the Plot #2 the horror elements are subdued, going for more of an ever present, lurking, less is more, terror rather than in your face approach. There’s some actual unnerving moments in this book, particularly the figure in red slowly approaching Mackenzie at school. As for the actual story of the issue, I’m not on board yet. There’s too much reliance on cryptic dialog and imagery. I understand needing to keep things close to the chest, but there’s now two full issues without the reader knowing really anything about what’s happening. Also, when a character in the story complains about someone being cryptic, it’s too much.
Appropriately Pulpy
Joshua Hixson’s art in this issue isn’t my favorite style of art, but it’s fitting. Everything looks like it’s emerging from shadow rather than the other way around. The Plot #2 has a good pulpy look to it and it’s exactly what I expect to see in a horror book, for better or worse.
The Bottom Line: It’s A Horror Book
To be fair, I should mention that I’m not much of a horror fan. That being said, I liked the horror aspects of The Plot #2. The creepy stuff looked creepy and it gave me the creeps, mission accomplished. Past that though I can’t say that I’m enjoying how the story is unfolding. It’s like looking at something through a sheer curtain: There’s something there, but it’s frustratingly obscured. 3 out of 5 stars.
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