In this installment of Critical Hit – A Major Spoilers Podcast: In this installment of Critical Hit: Welcome to Bumble Hearth!
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I think Stephen is a closet nudist. Given the sheer number of times Orem has run around naked (“air drying” after a luxurious bath at one of the god-islands, casually dropping his blanket and getting dressed in front of everyone on Snail Rock Island when everyone was naked, that kind of thing), Seven Owls Wise throwing his “underroos” at Sparkle starts to seem like a kind of thing. And I don’t recall Plague Jackal EVER wearing clothes.
Wasn’t it also Stephen who suggested that Sekhar get undressed on the train to Coiltown?
Slowly reeling in the backlog and approaching being caught up. Then I will cease to be a future person…
I really liked this episode. Honestly, my attention waned after the Scarlet Abbatoire episode, but this episode definitely got me excited again.
I like how Rodrigo subtly points out how Asmodeus was playing 4D chess to the Sparkeltones’ checkers.