With the establishment of Krakoa, many mutants are trying to reach this new utopia. Come see what Kate “Kitty” Pryde has been up too in this new era of mutants in Marauders #1 by Marvel!
Writer: Gerry Duggan
Artist: Matteo Lolli
Colorist: Federico Blee
Letterer: VC’s Cory Petit
Editor: Jordan D. White
Publisher: Marvel
Cover Price: $4.99
Release Date: October 23rd, 2019
Previously on Marauders: The new mutant nation of Krakoa has declared themselves independent. However, not everyone agrees with this new nation and have made steps to hinder mutants from entering the Krakoa portals. Perhaps we need some marauders to help bring mutants to this safe haven!
Kate Pryde has found that she is unable to enter the portals to Krakoa by accidentally running into the portal and comically breaking her nose. Realizing she needs to take the long way, she steals a boat to take to Krakoa. Feeling immediately uncomfortable on the island, Kate is approached by Emma Frost to take a ship out to help liberate people who do not have access to the Krakoa portals. Unable to make a decision at the moment, she meets Iceman who reveals that Russia has mutant power nullifying armor and are preventing people from entering the new mutant nation. She then recruits Iceman and Storm and drafts Pyro to help save these mutants. Storm and Iceman’s powers are quickly nullified and it is up to Kate to fight off the army of Russians on her own. Defeating the men, she steals a Russian military saber and has Lockheed provide fire for Pyro to push back any reinforcements. As one of the saved mutants takes out a smartphone to record her, she boldly states that the Marauders will bring you to safety. She then forms a new team and takes on Emma’s sponsorship. In the moment, Captain Kate Pryde asks her friends to no longer call her Kitty.
I think over the last few years, I’ve become very attached to Shadowcat in a leader role. When she left the Guardians of the Galaxy to lead the X-Men, I feel the character really came into its own. Emma Frost says it best, “You’ve been fighting for your life for years against impossible odds, and you never once gave someone an extra shot in the ribs simply because they deserved it.” What a line! What a representation of this character in a nutshell and why she is deserving to be the main driving force for this new team. Often in the stories I have read, I have associated Shadowcat as a minor character and a romantic interest to Colossus. Now I see her as the protagonist leader she was meant to be.
I also appreciate watching Kate fight. Her powers of intangibility are very subtle and her combat prowess feels mundane compared to mutants like Magneto or Storm. This simple fighting style incorporated with the ability to walk through objects is incredible to observe. She fights and takes out one enemy at a time but in stark contrast, Pyro takes out the reinforcements in one simple panel. I think this makes the hero more relatable to me. Her power is cool but doesn’t solve every problem for her and she must rely on her mundane abilities to solve problems. And perhaps that practical experiences and intellect makes her deserving of the title Captain Kate Pryde.
When I opened the book, I wasn’t sure of the artwork. That first couple of pages seemed unperfected. I thought the artist could have done more to emphasize the details and facial expressions. Despite this, I felt that the pages visually got better and better as I turn each page. Everything began to feel more defined and dynamic and when we finally reached Russia, I was sold. Perhaps it was just myself being hypercritical of the first few pages before the story grabbed me. Perhaps I am being silly with my criticism of the art. Nonetheless, I think the art got better as the book progressed.
I wasn’t sure how this new chapter for mutantkind was going to be like and I have to admit that I am excited. It also helps that this story features a personal favorite character of mine. As a kid, I wanted intangibility as a power because I was claustrophobic in my youth. While the power isn’t flashy, it is still one of my favorites concepts and it is applied to a great character. 3.5 out of 5 stars for Marauders #1.
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Marauders #1
Often in the stories I have read, I have associated Shadowcat as a minor character and a romantic interest to Colossus. Now I see her as the protagonist leader she was meant to be.