A big event happened in this week’s comics, and it didn’t get nearly the attention it deserved! So let’s look at a landmark issue of The Fastest Man Alive!
Writer: Joshua Williamson
Artist: Carmine Di Giandomenico
Published by: DC Comics
Cover price: $2.99
SOLICITATION: “The Perfect Storm” part one! In the 700th tale of THE FLASH, Barry Allen wants to make amends to the people he’s hurt, but Gorilla Grodd has other plans! If Grodd’s shocking attack on Central City wasn’t enough, the reason why-and how it connects to everything The Flash has faced since the Speed Force Storm-will rock our hero to his core…and change everything he thought he knew!
Over the years, I’ve read the Flash, and I’ve seen him go through some hard times. He died in Crisis on Infinite Earths, he’s been on trial for murder (as he is currently on The CW), and Barry Allen has been replaced by Wally West. It’s tough to keep a speedster down, though!
I have often said it, and I continue to believe it, that the current creative team on The Flash has been making some of the best Flash stories I’ve read in decades. Great stories full of surprises with dynamic art that matches the tales. It’s been a terrific time!
This issue, #39 in the current run, marks the 700th issue of The Flash. And it’s a good one, too!
One of the great things about the Scarlet Speedster, as Geoff Johns certainly proved, is his gallery of villains. One of the best comes back in this issue, and the cover spoils it! Gorilla Grodd, one of the creepier baddies to ever fight the Flash, is back with some evil plans.
As usual, Mr. Williamson weaves a gripping tale featuring appearances by other fantastic foes of Barry Allen, such as Godspeed, all in celebration of this milestone.
Of all the heroes in DC, Flash is the one with the conscience that bothers him the most. So this issue features him trying to fix things he’s messed up. Being it’s in a comic, you just know it can’t end well!
The characterization continues to be strong, with each one popping off the page as an individual. The plotting, as always, moves along at a fast pace, appropriate for the Flash. And there are always too few pages in this comic!
One of the greatest things about Flash is the art, which tells Williamson’s plot superbly. Expressions are all realistic and understandable, and the action sequences keep me turning the pages as fast as I can – again, appropriate for the Fastest Man Alive.
I particularly enjoy Di Giandomenico’s way of illustrating Barry. As comics characters go, he’s probably one of the toughest to portray because he’s very much the “everyman.” But Barry’s always someone I can relate to and understand in these comics, a real accomplishment to me!
BOTTOM LINE: Happy 700th Issue!
I know that with the “big” events such as Action and Detective reaching their 1,000th issue coming soon, this one kind of slipped through the cracks. But it deserves attention, too!
Flash is one of those consistently great comics! Each time it comes out, I can’t wait to read it! And this title still costs only $2.99! Highly recommended!
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Where has Matthew’s review gone?
It was removed because he didn’t follow the rules and stepped on someone else’s review.
Yeap. Got ahead of myself. This one was rightfully Wayne’s…