Spider-Man and Mockingbird sitting in a tree… K-I-S-S-I-N-G. Darn that Parker luck!
The Amazing Spider-Man
Writer: Dan Slott
Artist: Stuart Immonen
Inker: Wade Von Grawbadger
Colorist: Rain Beredo
Letterer: VC’s Joe Caramagna
Editor: Nick Lowe
Publisher: Marvel
Cover Price: $3.99
Previously in The Amazing Spider-Man: Having lost everything Peter Parker has crashed on Mockingbird’s couch as he figures out what he’s going to do next. What’s next may just be a job at The Daily Bugle!
Peter is picking up the pieces of his life by landing a job as the science editor at The Daily Bugle. But what story will he and his crack team take on first? Fortunately, Bobbi Morse is working for Humanitech, a company working on the next generation A.I. robots for home use. As you might expect, there’s a bit more going on behind the scenes which leads to another company downfall at the hands of Peter Parker, the Amazing Spider-Man.
This issue gives Dan Slott a chance to stretch his legs with a variety of story types – superhero action, office drama, screwball comedy, and even horror when Mockingbird and Spider-Man discover what is really making the robots work. And though having a number of different types of stories thrown together in 22-pages seems like overkill, Slott makes it work. I think this is why I like Slott on Spider-Man; he brings a lot of everyday life into the story that seems natural, and thus ends up making Spider-Man even more relatable to the reader. For those paying close attention to what is going on, Bobbi poses an interesting question as Peter swings off to his first day of work, that may indicate where Dan is taking us next.
I’m not a fan of the “villain” getting away at the end of the issue, but I’m hoping we’ll see more of these failed CEOs teaming to take on what remains of Peter Parker’s professional life. Zynn is just too good of a smarmy rich guy to let go in just one issue. And what is going on with the “Lymans?”
The art by Stuart Immonen is to die for. The staging, the pace, and the layout is fantastic on each and every page. Immonen’s character work really stands out, and I think this issue puts the artist in my top five artists list. While it is easier to draw a man in a mask, having to draw the same (and new) characters again and again, and they stay on model, I know I’m seeing someone who understands his craft. When the action does turn to superhero fisticuffs, the scale of Quicksand next to the smaller heroes, who are next to even smaller robots makes the issue feel like a major production.
Helping to bring life to Immonen’s art is the coloring by Rain Beredo. I really love the shading of the characters – especially Bobbi, who has what looks like four or five colors blending naturally to make her hair pop in each panel. While I’m not a fan of the faceted look of Spider-Man’s costume, Beredo makes it work as light reflects and shines off of every edge, giving more dimension to the character.
Dan Slott has been writing Amazing Spider-Man for a long time, and I still don’t understand why fans say he’s ruined the character. He’s been writing Spider-Man for seven years, and though there may be ups and downs in the character’s life, The Amazing Spider-Man has always had solid, well executed storytelling. As the Fall of Parker arc concludes, Slott once again gives readers a direction for the next stage in Peter Parker’s life. I enjoyed the heck out of this issue, and give it a Must Buy Recommendation.
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