Top Five
Top Five is a show where the hosts categorize, rank, compare, and stratify everything… from cars to gadgets to people and movies. From stuff that is hot, and things that are not nearly as interesting – it’s Top Five.
This week, we take a look at our favorite cartoon characters. Will yours be on the list? Maybe, and that’s why everybody loves a list.
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Such a great category that I can’t believe it hasn’t been done already. As for my own list, despite growing up on 70’s and 80’s Saturday morning cartoons, all of my favorite cartoon characters are from TV or movies that are much more recent. While i have some good memories of cartoon characters of my youth, I don’t have as much of an attachment to them as I thought. Some will appear on the Contenders list.
5. Homer Simpson: Easily the show-stealer on a cartoon full of great character tropes, Homer Simpson is definitely one of the funniest of all time.
4. Squidward Tentacles: A great foil to the overly positive Spongebob and very dumb Patrick, this smart but cynical character is one of the most entertaining. Strangely, my favorite episodes are the rare times where he actually gets along with his neighbors for a bit.
3. Finn the Human: A young boy trying to find his way in an apocalyptic world, this character is so endearing and funny that he could easily have topped the list.
2. Ariel the Little Mermaid: For whatever reason, when this movie came out, I fell in love with her character. It might have been her voice, it might have been the red hair, but I just found her to be so endearing.
1. Simon and Marcy: A bit of a cheat here, including two, but these secondary Adventure Time characters, Marceline the Vampire Queen and The Ice King, were two of my least favorite on the show, until one episode, “Simon and Marcy” explained their long-term connection. It is easily the best, most compelling, heart-warming 11 minutes of TV I’ve ever seen. Now they are easily my two favorite cartoon characters of all time.
— Spongebob Squarepants, Top Cat, Jake the Dog, Patrick Star, Merida
My list I’d very very different from both of yours, honestly I don’t think a single character is the same, although I do love most of those characters a lot.
5. Iroh- Avatar the Last Airbender. Iroh is wise, cool as heck, and absolutely hilarious. He is voiced by one of the greatest voice actors ever, Mako. Iroh is the reason Zuko isn’t just an Emo teenager, I don’t even know what more to say about him he is just done so much for the series and is just so great I had to put him here.
4. Star Butterfly- Star Vs. The Forces of Evil. Quite possibly in the biggest suprise of my life, this cartoon has jumped it’s way to one of my favorites of all time and so did the main character. She’s a really fun, silly, and very powerful girl. She is extremely compassionate and can make friends like no bodies business. Just a very fun character with a ton of development.
3. Gruncle Stan- Gravity Falls. Quite possibly the funniest character in any show I have ever watched and for a large part of the series a huge mystery. Stan loves his Niece and Nephew, the main characters of the show, Mabel and Dipper, and it is one of the most disfunctional but adorable family dynamics ever and Stan just makes it for me.
2. Ice King- Adventure Time. When you realize he isn’t just an idiotic crazy guy is one of the best reveals in the show. This was amazing. You get his and Marceline’s backstory from hundreds of years ago and see their relationship and you see his slow decent turning from Simon, the smart, fun, loving man and best friend to Marceline, into the absolute madness that is Ice King and it just works for me.
1. Toph Beifong- Avatar the Last Airbender. I usually like to only put one character per series, but I need to add Toph and Iroh because c’mon, they are amazing. Toph is a freaking awesome character. She’s all about being strong and standing your ground while you feel out the compitition. She is the greatest earthen derived in the world, she created her oan kind of bending, she is an amazing fighter, and she is BLIND!!! Toph is just awesome.