Cave and his new crew have stolen the Mighty Mole and are on their way to the lost subterranean city, but what surprises await them beneath the Earth’s crust? Your Major Spoilers review of Cave Carson Has A Cybernetic Eye #4 awaits!
Writer: Gerard Way & Jon Rivera
Artist: Michael Avon Oeming
Colorist: Nick Filardi
Letterer: Clem Robins
Editor: Molly Mahan
Publisher: DC Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
Previously in Cave Carson Has A Cybernetic Eye: “Cave and his team find the underground city of Muldroog, and it’s not what he expected. Plus, Cave has visions of his deceased wife, but are they hallucinations, or is there more to this than meets the cybernetic eye?”
We open with Chloe Carson flashing back to a moment with her late mother, Mazra, during which Chloe opins that everyone needs a mom, but she’s not sure she even likes her dad. In the present day, Choloe, Cave and Wild Dog have arrived at the now-wrecked city of Muldroog, where Cave is trying to figure out what happened to the culture his late wife loved. When Chloe opens the wrong door, Wild Dog begins hallucinating, which is bad for everyone, as he’s a masked vigilante with an arsenal of submachine guns. Thankfully, Cave figures out what is causing the visions before anyone dies, but is surprised at the arrival of EBX goons in the second Mighty Mole, intent on taking him back to the surface. Using his superior knowledge of the fauna, Cave escapes to find Mazra’s parents, while something really REALLY gross happens on the surface.
Four issues in to Cave’s adventures, there are still many mysteries unexplained, but the story has been engaging all along, providing bits and pieces of the mystery while making it clear that there’s much more to be had. Oeming’s art is wonderfully dense and complex, and the coloring job helps to underscore how alien a world they’ve fallen into, while the final page reveal of who (or what) may be behind the EBX conspiracy is truly disturbing work. The use of Wild Dog and the bits of DC back story and lore are well-utilized throughout. The dynamic between Cave and Chloe is evolving in directions I didn’t expect from early issues, and the moment where Cave encounters Mazra’s parents and relates the story of her demise is very touching…
Once again, Cave Carson Has A Cybernetic Eye #4 brings the quality, with an excellent art job and some nicely tense plotting, as well as a few surprising moments, earning 4.5 out of 5 stars overall. All the Young Animal books are interesting, but this one may be my favorite, if only for how quickly and effectively it took one of DC’s lowest-tier adventure heroes and made his adventures both contemporary and exciting…
[taq_review]Dear Spoilerite,
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