Once again, the great sci-fi question gets asked and answered – That is, “What if?”
We all feel quite an attachment to our pets and other animals! But what if that wasn’t necessarily the case coming from them? This series explores their relationships to us and to each other, and it’s quite gripping!
Creator & Writer: Marguerite Bennett
Artist: Rafael De Latorre
Colors: Rob Schwager
Published by: AfterShock Comics
Cover price: $3.99
Previously in ANIMOSITY: “One day, the Animals woke up. They started thinking. They started talking. They started taking revenge. Now, a dog and his girl are trying to get away–out of New York City, and all the way to San Francisco, to the only person who might be able to protect and save her. From the writer of INSEXTS, A-FORCE, and BOMBSHELLS and the artist of SUPERZERO comes a new kind of road trip, a new kind of black comedy, and a new kind of coming-of-age.”
Just before I started writing this review, I took the two dogs I live with outside so they could enjoy the sunshine and, like always, I tried to gauge the expressions on their faces. Are they happy? Unhappy? Sad? Anxious? I work at it very hard, but I can never quite be sure because they can’t tell me those things.
Well, this comic imagines that they can do that, and it’s not always pretty!
There are three pages of a collage of various animals going through a variety of things. The last one, though, they’re able to talk/communicate, and it’s really everything from sweet to dreadful.
The book largely centers around Jesse, a young girl, and her dog, Sandor. The first words out of the pet’s mouth are attention and affection for the girl, and it’s pretty sweet. When the rest of the world realizes what’s going on, though, it causes her to be placed in danger. Of course, the loyal Sandor literally leaps to her aid, and the dog finds himself facing off against a predator who would love nothing more than to put away both of them. But Sandor has some pretty good smarts on his side. More than that, I won’t say at this point.
One of the most difficult things to accomplish in this kind of story is the ability for us to relate with animals and their feelings. Some people still call them “dumb” animals, but they’re really not. Ms. Bennett does an excellent job of fleshing out their various personalities, and we’re transported into a world where things happen quickly, from danger to affection.
I just mentioned that the script does an excellent job of helping us get into the heads of the various animals. Well, the art helps along those lines, too.
The representations of the various dogs, bears and others are very accurate, but what struck me was the way the art communicated their feelings. Sorrow, pleasure, fear and all other emotions are done superbly, and I really have to say, “Well done!”
BOTTOM LINE: Beginning of the Animal Kingdom?
Now that I’ve read the book and written this review, I turn to look at the two dogs sleeping peacefully nearby. I have to wonder, what ARE they thinking and feeling? I don’t know for sure any longer!
Good storytelling will challenge your thinking, and I find myself seriously challenged by this debut issue! Where will it go from here? I’m not entirely sure, but I’ll be reading… and wondering if I should show this comic to Bullet and Mandy, our two dogs, as well!
One last note, though: This title has language that make it not suitable for the younger among us, so please be aware of that!
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