In this installment of Critical Hit – A Major Spoilers Podcast: An attack in the Feywild!
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From the Editor: We are aware that there is poor audio in many places of this episode. It has been cleaned up as best as it can be. We apologize for the poor quality.
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I was all set to leave a comment on how the episode being mostly a battle combined with the audio problems meant it really didn’t live up to the hype but then we got Rodrigo’s hedgehog voice and the episode was saved.
And complete non-response from the cast made me miss Trelle. Maybe we need canned awwwwww!
We can do it ourselves… wait.. I think I did!
Is there any chance we could get a write up of George and Casey’s character descriptions, they were just largely unintelligible.
Eventually on the VIP site.
I think he just meant the physical descriptions. I am looking forward to seeing the full writeup eventually though.
I’d like to see physical descriptions as well. Especially for Lily. Other than her being leadery and maybe she does magic or something? No idea what race she is or looks like etc.
Which one of the pics is she on that post Rodrigo put out? The top left?
Correct, I didn’t get much but I did heard the butterfly pin.
I love and trust these guys enough to reserve judgement. However, and no disrespect to the new players, I’m going to be massively disappointed if this isn’t a temporary situation. And yes the audio quality was disappointing, but understandable.
It was nice to hear from a hedgehog again. What I really want, though, is to see what Randus is up to.
We the listeners have spent countless hours across years of our lives getting attached to the players and characters that have been a part of Critical Hit since the beginning. If this is the new status quo, I’m going to have a hard time accepting this as anything more than a spin-off. Granted Orem has always been the central character.
I hope I don’t come across as overly negative. I’m not trying to be a hater or start a flame war and I feel my comments have been rather reasoned. I know these guys put a lot of effort into this and I also mean no insult to the new players. It’s just been a painfully long time between last season and this and then we come back to a whole new crew including, technically, a whole new Orem.
I know it’s also kind of Rodrigos style to keep everyone in the dark and feeds off the fears and woes of the commonfolk, so I hope this is mostly a story telling conceit and not the new norm.
Keep listening!
My opinion is that you’re playing cards too close to your chest. This is just frustrating. No Matthew or Brian or the rest and no explanation or anything? I of course understand Adrianna as that was well handled and well communicated but what I care about with Critical Hit has vanished without a mention.
The production quality is difficult for me to overlook as well, it’s been a pretty tough on and off issue with Finally Friday and now in the show which was the biggest content motivator for me to be a high-tier VIP.
I’m maintaining my VIP contribution because I believe in you guys and what you do and have many hours of smiles which are all on to your efforts. However, I felt I had to voice my discontents, believing I represent a cohort of your audience who feels similarly alienated by this launch of the new season. :(
I hear you! Keep listening! Keep in mind tech issues with Finally Friday, holidays, and comic-con are different than “audio issues”
There’s no way we aren’t going to hear from the others again, if that were to happen we would know about it. Precisely because they’d know the fans would want to hear about the other guys and so wouldn’t lead them to wonder if they were going to hear from them again only to reveal they were completely gone.
I hope so.
They explicitly discussed with everyone the situation with Adrianna, and they haven’t said a word about the others.
That’s pretty clearly evidence that everyone else is coming back.
Having just finished the episode I would have to agree with these comments.
Firstly, I appreciate the audio was a simple mistake, easily fixed but it still makes it hard to listen to, especially since this is our first introduction to new characters. But as other have noted, audio quality is very important to Stephen.
Secondly, it is going to be hard follow Critical Hit into the future if there is an entirely new cast except for Stephen and Rodrigo. Take nothing away from the new folks, but Critical Hit by definition is the cast that it has been for the last 5 years.
Thirdly, I would agree with the comment-er that said you are playing your cards too close to the chest. (I know, “keep listening”), but my advice would be to make some more information available to folks. Unfortunately for the number of us that come here and share our thoughts in a productive manner, there are plenty that may just hear this episode, say “Where is Matthew?” and then never come back.
Anyways, just my input.
It would make me sad, but if this is the new normal, I will probably drop this show, or at least go back to episode 1 and start over again.
Not a “simple mistake” and not any easy fix.
No disrespect intended.
Agree 100%!
What we’ve just seen is Season five of Sherlock starting off with Sherlock and no one else from the previous seasons, or a new season of Breaking Bad with just Heisenberg and completely new characters. That alongside the fact that no one has told us that the previous “actors” will or won’t be coming back makes this both a somewhat frustrating experience but also creates a certain form of curiosity.
However one thing TV shows have going for them is that fans know if a certain actor will or won’t be playing in new episodes but we in our current position don’t. It would be a shame and very negative experience to listen to a show for five episodes and then find out your favorite actors and characters won’t come back. (No offence to Steven, Rodrigo and Rob, but Brian and Matthew have always been tied for my favorites.)
Have to say though, the theory that we will see one of these episodes for every character before they come back seems plausible and I look forward to its truth next Saturday.
Now, I must destroy Brian in combat…
There can be Only One.
Delicious suspense. Great way to start the season. Got us all hanging on the edge. My guess is we might see similar openings with each main character before the band gets back together.
Hold off on the negative reactions, fellow fans. It is a long story. This is just the beginning.
I do hope we learn who the new people are and how they got to play.
How they got to play… well, one of them writes for this site and has for several years…
New players seem cool. They also were strangely efficient in taking down the bad guys. No one set each other on fire of anything.
yes :)
Disappointing episode…nothing against anyone involved. It’s just that not hearing Mathew, Rob, and Brian would have been a let down all by itself. Not being able to understand a word the new players were saying only compounded that situation. On top of that, over an hour of combat can be tedious under the best of circumstances. An hour of combat with characters I don’t (and due to audio, can’t) know anything about where I can’t understand what is happening half the time just ended up getting skipped. Feels like a better way to handle this entire opening scenario (especially after they realized the audio problems) would have been for Rodrigo to simply recap the battle and bring us into the character interactions at the beginning of next week’s episode.
You guys have earned my trust over hundreds of hours of great content, so I’ll be tuned in next week and for many weeks to come, of course. Just sincerely hoping for the return of some familiar voices, more character interaction, and the ability to understand the new players next week. Sorry for the negative feedback, but it’s meant to be constructive. For my part, I would have understood and better appreciated a brief message explaining there were technical issues and that the new season would be pushed back a week – but maybe I’m alone in that.
As always, what y’all do is appreciated, and I look forward to next week…perhaps more than usual.
Hi Matt. If you follow the twitter feed @majorspoilers you know I only found out about the audio problem last night when editing the episode. Next week will have similar issues – but not the same issues, but after that it clears up.
Chapter 1 page 1 has me knocked prone- but all faith in Critical Hit. Sure this evolves and smooths itself out as our heroes go.
OMG its really here. Cant wait, can’t wait cantwait cantwaitcantwaitcantwait – ok deep breath – AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH
Hooray, Critical Hit is back! Welcome to Casey, George and Samantha! Can’t wait to hear more about you and your characters.
A great, intriguing episode to start off the season. And that ending! xD I tell you I squealed in delight.
Yes! Just listened and this was GREAT.
Thank you to all of you, cant wait seven days for a new episode.
I love that you have a Kenku Rogue – thats just the best.
Im sure we will see the other guys again, I loved how you “got me” again.
From the bottom of my heart and wallet, thank you.
“Getting you” is a really really important part of storytelling.
Yay. I’m so glad you like her!
OMG I want to marry her :)
A bit unsettled, but also intrigued, if that makes sense. Rodrigo and the CH team hasn’t let me down before so I’ll trust them as we get used to the new characters, be they temporary or permanent. If nothing else, combat seemed to go way quicker even account for the enemies obviously being underpowered.
It’s early on. Looking forward to more.
I loved it. I feel like I got to know the kenku’s personality right away, and I can’t wait to learn about the other two weirdos. Also, any episode that features a hedgehog is a good episode.
My only problem is that I had difficulty figuring out names. I don’t suppose someone with better ears could write them out for me?
Lily – The Eladrin
Sapote – A Wilden
Orem – Another Eladrin
Little Sparkle – A Kenku
I actually liked the new players, but am looking forward to hearing Matthew, Brian, Rob again (though hoping the new players stick around too).
I was hoping we will get a bit more of an introduction to them soon? I hard a really hard time figuring out who was who. Maybe the audio didn’t help, but now I am also very very curious!
Me too! Pssst Hi Red
Psst back to you Odi
this was a great episode; i’m confident we’ll hear from more than a few “friends from the past” in one way or another, whether “in person” or not, and even if we never do, i’m more than confident the story will continue to be up to snuff! the villains this episode were pretty cool, aesthetically but thankfully not as icky as the candle guys *phew* lol anyway the audio problems are worth setting aside, this is a great place to jump on and yeah, good one y’all, can’t wait to get to know the new folk even more
I’m still having trouble finding the episode on iTunes, but I’m listening to the episode through the MS site as I write this. Audio issues, new players, missing favorites, all understandable issues that people are having, but I trust both Stephen and Rodrigo to deliver. Looking forward to the new season!
The only thing I can figure is that because this episode was released at 3:00 AM on Saturday, that the international feeds won’t update until later. Of course if you are in the U.S. I have no idea. Sorry about that.
It might be my very outdated iPod that’s the issue. In any case, I listened to the episode directly from the Major Spoilers site, and found the audio issues not to be so bad. I’m very curious about these would-be assassins, and want to know who they are, and why they are targeting Orem. Is it an old enemy, or a new one, and why do they see Orem as a threat? Curious. Having listened to Rodrigo’s game, I trust that it will be VERY scary.
Listening a second time, still wish someone made a reference to Boogie Boys classic 1985 joint, Fly Girls whenever Rodrigo says “Fly Person”. Then I realized that I am old, and despite the dramatic concept this episode needed moar Matthew!
Eagerly awaiting the next episodes where audio fidelity improves, I just renewed my gold VIP membership today because this came out!
Do we need a special snowball mic kickstarter for the Critical Hit Auxiliaries ? :D
I bought new mics this week for distance players.
Excellent! I re-upped my gold vip membership! The art for this seasons teasers are great, more of that please!
That was awfully kind of you. :)
In the future, may I suggest you guys bullshit for about 10 minutes before the actual recording and then play that back to make sure there aren’t any issues. While stuff can still go wrong during recording, it helps out to do a quick test run.
Also, maybe higher someone to make transcripts of the show. That’d at least be something people could fallow along with if you have issues with recording. A redo is also an option, but I know that loses the fun of not knowing what Rod is going to pull next.
By the sounds of things Time is their PRECIOUS…. it might not be possible. Did you mean Rodrigo or Rob? Since I am often deep in typos, I wondered, because I’m not sure anyone calls Rodrigo; Rod.
I had typed out a long-winded post about the few negative comments I’ve seen but really, no need. I enjoyed the episode, audio issues aside, and look forward to being able to “hear” more from the newcomers.
Worth the wait – and thank you as always for the effort and passion you all put into every project you deliver to me. As always, make mine Major Spoilers.
Good episode, I cant wait till i find out what the twist is.
6.5 things I think I think
1. We heard at least Rob and Matthew in the first episode.
2. [During the first approximately 15 minutes of listening] The voice-changing techno-trickery was needless elaboration.
3. [Slightly later] But creative people were experimenting, with the ultimate intention of better engaging the audience.
4. The experiment did not work, for me, this time.
5. The Roll20 system provides a slightly different feel during combat. Matthew won’t need to ask how far a target is. I may miss that.
6. But I will keep listening and supporting and if there is a platinum level, I will sign on too :) One experiment that did not work for me isn’t going to drive me away – try again :P
7. [Post-script semi-thought] Are some of these comments planted, to build up the illusion that different players were in this first episode?
Take it from Matthew: You did not hear Matthew in this episode.
Ah. Then I’m looking forward to finally hearing Matthew back on the main Critical Hit show after the long off-season.
Post-script: Have even more of a reason to listen to the podcast now, to find out what exactly is going on.
I was thrilled to hear from CH again, in their D&D game. But at the same time, I feel like this first episode was anticlimactic coming off of all of the “who will return/who’s new” hype on the site. Still, I can’t wait to hear how this is going to continue, and how Orem dealt with being essentially imprisoned in the Feywild by his family, possibly against his will, after he was prevented from sacrificing himself to the Hogba. Also, how he (and we!) find out how the rest of the TorqleTones (especially Ket!) are doing and what has happened to them! Can’t wait for next week!!! Shoutout to Rodrigo for being an AMAZING DM/GM and creating this wonderful world for his players (and us) to listen to and be immersed in week after week! Keep up the good work!
I can’t see this as anything but a Part 1 of a series of pre-reunion episodes. Don’t worry, it’s just a bit more setup before the big stuff comes around.
Kinda surprised at all of the semi-negative vibe from the fan feedback. Its a prelude, folks. Settle in and enjoy. Matthew will absolutely be back and Rob and Brian will almost surely be. Torq, Ket, and/or Randus may not be… …at least for a while. And on the off chance that one or more of them cannot make it back this season, they will be greatly missed, as Adriana is greatly missed, but the story will continue to be amazing, I have no doubt.
The audio got significantly better in the second half of the episode. I am disappointed for the Critical Hit team that this issue occurred during the season premier, but I know Stephen’s commitment to audio excellence and this will be resolved. Stephen, I really do appreciate the effort you went through on Friday to get this cleaned up as well as you did.
To the new cast members, Samantha, Casey & George: Great job! Very rich and interesting characters with lots of story potential. Looking forward to hearing more. One request, if you are able. Could you post a short description of your characters. Basically just summarizing what you already said in the podcast but a good chunk of it was lost in the corrupted recording. This will really help get us ready for next week’s episode.
Rodrigo, we can always need more hedgehog. Well played, sir!
I wonder if Matthew will be a hummingbird again… that was hilarious
“Hello I am de bird”
No, Matthew is “de bird”! lol
Such truth… I am not de bird.
You could be da Cricket…
But he might eated you
#Biium #BiiumBiium
I drove my daughter nuts with those episodes.. LOL One of my favorite non regular characters
I know it has been said before, but I am a little nervous with the new crew.
Only a little though. I know Rodrigo has very high standards. I think given time (and audio fixes :P) the new crew will warm up quickly and we can transition into more familiar Critical Hit gameplay!
Are these more friends you guys know, or is this some kind of fan/VIP temporary group? I guess only time will tell.
I really miss the days where I could listen to a new episode as soon as I finished the current one. Maybe I need to re-listen to the whole series for a third time…
New players are people we know, as mentioned earlier in the comment section, George has actually been writing for the site for some time, and we have just recently added his podcast (Lizard People, Dear Readers) into the Major Spoilers Podcast Network Master Feed.
Thanks for listening!
Not that the season V freshman class didn’t do a good job (they did) but I do miss Rob, D&D Brian, and Matthew.
That said, I’m looking forward to seeing if Orem got less strikery (seems so), how a rogue will effect combat length, and as a long time defender player what having a dedicated defender will be like.
Looking forward to the season, y’all.
Looks like there’s more freshman to come, too. I’m guessing we’re gonna see the groups the other members of the Torqueltones have become a part of. I’m willing to bet there’s gonna be at least a couple more solo episodes for each member before they manage to meet up.
Finally, a rogue on critical hit! Couldn’t hear much of her, sadly. Was considering re-listening on headphones instead of car speakers, but it sounds like others had the same problem. Curse you midtones!
Glad to hear it will be sorted soon, and looking forward to more “do I have combat advantage?” :)
A warm welcome to Lily, Sapote, and Little Sparkle, and of course, the people who are playing them!
It seems that this episode was to get the new players oriented into the story and get them comfortable with the game play? I’m certain that once they are oriented, Matthew, Rob, and Brian will be back. Including Orem, that would make a seven person party! Sounds like it will be a lot of fun, and very diverse.
I can’t wait to find out what this new threat is. The party needs to find Randus so he can start working on some sort of magic fly paper.
Oh, and if Stephen is playing Orem, who is going to play Longbeard Jackson?
I also think it’s a more natural flow on things. If five years have passed, then each of the original crew have met and joined up with new people. What I’m more interested in is who’s going to leave home and join the crew when they actually meet up.
Great episode, even with the audio issues, which were a bit frustrating, but what can you do.
For those concerned about the new characters – lest we forget Smith was unknown addition at the beginning of Season 2 who set people on fire!
Have faith.
Having listened to every episode of Critical Hit in addition to several hours of the other feeds on the Major Spoilers Podcast Network I know that audio quality and content quality is of utmost importance to Stephen. Every once in awhile there will be a technical glitch bit he gets it fixed. I can deal with a couple of episodes with the poor audio because I have faith in Stephen and Critical Hit stands consistently stands out as superior to every D&D play podcast that I have listened too. Plus The hedgehog is awesome. I look forward to the future! Thanks guys.
Thanks Michael. I’m truly sorry that the audio quality is this poor this week, but this is the best I could get it after spending most of Friday night through Saturday getting it to sound this good.
It wasn’t as bad as it could have been. I think you did a good job cleaning it up.
The audio problems were tough. Other than that I was expecting new players but not having any of the old players was jarring and not in a good way.
I did enjoy the combat. Even without a controller that fight was controlled from the start.
I hope we will at least see Randus again. Vi consider him a core character. Not just orem. Torq is also a core character but he had a good send off last season. Trell and ket I didn’t much care for but I do miss Rob.
Of 5he new guys it was hard to hear. I don’t understand what George is and his character didn’t wow me. Although the shield of aegis was useful. The leader girl seemed very effective and the thief intro was cool and of the new players I think I like her best.
Looking forward to more episodes and better audio
Recording question: do you guys have satellite players record locally on their machines or just run it through the conference call machine then to a mixer etc.?
Short answer no.
Now I’m really curious about the long answer ;)
Keep on crit’in
Wait… I KNEW I forgot to ask him something today on Finally Friday!
I really liked the episode, especially how it’s not just “the gang’s back together!” I trust this means that we can expect similar things from returning members. Really hoping Ket returns – I really liked him, especially considering how hard he worked to hold the team together last season. Definitely like the new people, hoping they’re more than just one-time guests too. Maybe the start of a second team? That be pretty interesting.
The worst thing about this episode was that 2 and a half minutes intro. That was very cruel of you Stephen.
Other than that, I enjoyed this episode. Of course the audio issues were annoying, but I liked the story and the new characters. I found the combat oddly quick. The new players seemed to know their characters and their mechanics really well and that helped a lot. Also, the enemies seem to be on the weak side, but that’s understandable for an introductory fight. I’m very intrigued to learn what Rodrigo has planned for this season and the rest of the characters. I’m sure that Rob, Brian and Matthew will come back but I don’t know which characters will they be playing. If I get to choose, I choose Ket. I love Torq, Randus and Trelle, but we already know Adrianna is not returning, I think Rodrigo really meant the “and he was never heard from again” part for Torq and Randus is awesome, but I like the dynamic between Ket and Orem better.
The only thing I’m concerned about is that if the new players are here to stay, the combat encounters will be really really long once the party is reunited. But I’m sure Rodrigo will come up with some handy house rules to help on that regard.
One last thing: I miss the sound of dice rolling :(
We have sponsors and bills to pay…..
I definitely miss the dice rolling as well! It really added to the dramatic tension and allowed me to get more immersed into the game.
Sorry, but I couldn’t get over the audio quality. I stopped about 40 minutes in. To be honest I had stopped paying attention by then, because it was too distracting and I hate straining to hear what is going on. I have been here through all of Critical Hit, and maybe I am just being picky, but I am used to a very high level of audio quality from CH. It is one of the many things that separate this show from the pack and keeps me coming back. I am interested in the new characters, but would rather not have an episode than have one with absolute crap audio. You guys are much better than this.
I was absolutely excited for the first episode, and equally as disappointed with what came out. I have a ton of faith in you guys though, and I know that it will get better. But if episode 2 is this bad, I’ll just wait until 3 before I start listening again.
And I have to agree with Stellar, there was something deliciously awesome about the anticipation after the Adriana briefcase opening sound rolls, or D&D Brian’s “Dice o matic” popping noise before the roll was revealed ;)
The audio was a bit of an issue at 1st, sadly it seemed to get worse when the new players where explaining how their characters looked like.
This episode brought a ton of what I can only qualify as “dread”, the new players, which could use an introduction at some point, yes I know they are part of and this is meant to be a “and now for something completely different!” so no intro on the 1st episode but a small 30 sec info on each would be sweet at some point.
The feeling of dread I have is not on the direction taken, I read comic books “One Year Later” like story telling is not a problem and having more character to alternate in or straight up add to the cast is always fun.
My fears are this:
Did Keth get into much trouble with Asmodeus? Is the card tournament over? Did he win or lose, what ramification does losing entail? How many body parts did Randus lose in the last 5 years (somehow I doubt the answer is none), did they ever make Smith and Torq’s statues? Does Torq’s say something inspiring or simply “I duck!”? Where is Queeny? Did Trelle ever visit Orem’s sister? Just how awkward was meeting his family post choking? So many question… Why is it not next Saturday already!
Anyway keep up the good work, we know that Rodrigo’s story telling is top notch, while things may feel weird right now I know it’s gonna be a good season once again.
P.S. We’re going to need spelling for the names of the 2 new members of the “Mostly Dead Men”.
P.S. We’re going to need spelling for the names of the 2 new members of the “Mostly Dead Men”.
Read through ALL of the comments.
Read through it, kinda shocked.
I could have sworn It was “Lily Sparkle” not Lily and Little Sparkle, this suddenly makes so much more sense.
I was confused as how she ended up as part of the evil guys in disguise all of a sudden XD
P.P.S my vip contribution was well worth this month if only to know what happened to whom I consider one of the “pillars” of team Orem and no I’m not saying whom I’m referring too.
OMG Orem started the Jedi order in the Feywild
Reading these comments and Stephen’s responses makes me feel a lot better about what’s ahead. You guys know how much I love Critical Hit and how much it’s driven my appreciation for the rest of the MSP stable.
My only remaining criticism is that I wanted to have introductions for the new players. Maybe I missed it because of the audio issues, but was there anything besides just their names when they were describing the characters? I’ve seen through the comments above that they are members of the Major Spoilers Crew (and I’ve already subscribed to Lizard People, Dear Readers because of those), but I’m sure that listeners who only connect to Critical Hit were even more confused.
The combat was great stuff, and I like how you’re using Roll20, which I’ve come to appreciate through a Pathfinder game I’m playing. VIP perk suggestions: publish chat logs from one of the sessions, or screencast a session from one of the player PCs.
Final thoughts: I love you guys, and I trust that what’s coming up will be as amazing as I have come to expect. Thank you for everything you do!
This felt to me like a start up cold open. Just throwing listeners into the story and letting them catch up as we go. Which when used in TV normally takes a few episodes to pay off and considering CH moves at a much slower pace than your average TV show I would expect the big pay off in a months or years as has been the tradition of the show so far.
Take this with the audio issues and its just makes a confusing episode. I will say by the end of the episode my ear had gotten to the point where I as picking up most of the words.
I would say stick with it and listen to it in a place without a lot of noise and you should be able to get most of the important information.
Can anyone post a basic character description? The introduction was kinda hard to listen to.
I loved little sparkle! But to the rest of the new guys please take no offense I’m just personally big a fan of rogues, clerics, and barbarians. I guess that’s why I miss torq so much, he was technically a fighter, but definitely leaning more towards the b
*barbarian side of fighting than the technical side of fighting.
On to my reason for posting, Could the assassin’s be sent by one of the torqule tones to fake Orims death there by freeing him from his responsibility in the fey wild? This is just my hypothesis but it would be interesting… can’t wait to hear more!
Ooh conspiracy theories already! See what you guys are doing to us!? ;)
Welcome back Critical Hit! I love the show, and am looking forward to hearing what you all have in store for us this season.
It is great to meet new players and characters, and I can’t wait to hear what Matt, Brian, and Rob are going to be doing.
Like others have said, the audio was tough, but these things happen. Just gives me an excuse to listen for a second time (this time with headphones) to sort out the story.
Again, welcome back, and thank you for the new shows!
I understand some audio problems from distance players and having their own mics. I had to go back a few times because sometimes it was hard to understand, but its not nearly that bad!
I’m looking forward to the new players as they settle in and get comfortable. I think people need to listen to the first couple episodes again; people should remember that Matthew, Rodrigo and Stephen had already been doing podcasts together for a while when they started Critical Hit. I don’t know if our new players have podcasting experience OR D&D experience but they’re still coming in to an already-established group with a very vocal fanbase, it’s understandable if they’re going to not be 100% comfortable right off the bat! I trust Rodrigo’s GM Senses in picking his players; he’s talked about how picky he is. Plus this new chapter feels completely right for the story and Orem as a character
Welcome George, Kaycee and Samantha! Don’t let people complaining about your presence deter you from having a great time playing. I’ve been around long enough to remember after the battle with the scorpion things when someone came on the forums and made some pretty hurtful and unfair comments about Matthew’s playing style, and people really came out and supported him. I look forward to seeing what the three of you bring to the game!
Very true and I trust the whole crew. That and I remember how awkward the first few episodes where when they started this way back when! So curious for the next episode
Thanks for the warm welcome!
Great episode Guys! The kenku was something I was hoping to come into the game, an I was not disappointed!
Thanks Guys! :)
I just want to say that every single time something like this happens, when there’s a big change in an established formular, people complain.
I hope people trust that even if none of the original characters return, except for Orem, this might still be good. Sometimes keeping things the same is what kills it.
I’ve loved listening to Critical Hit for the past years, and I love the old players, but I’m open to change. I’m going to listen to many episodes before I decide anything.
I’ve never been a fan of the combat episodes no matter who was in them, so this wasn’t perfect for me, but I’m so happy CH is back and I can’t wait to see what’s in store. I don’t want anything except for a good story and fun episodes, and while I’d love to hear from the old guys, I know sometimes things has to change and evolve, or die.
A lot of the time what the audience think it want, isn’t what it need.
I’m going to miss the sound of dice rolls