The new season of Buffy the Vampire Slayer has arrived from Dark Horse Comics, and Matthew and Stephen share their thoughts and reactions to the book.
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Writer: Christos Gage
Artist: Rebekah Isaacs
Publisher: Dark Horse Comics
Cover Price: $3.50
New season. New rules. The age-old battle of Slayer vs. vampire is the focus of Buffy’s life once again—it’s downright nostalgic! But with all the toying with magic she’s done lately, this girl should know it’s time for another game change . . . Shouldn’t she?
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1 Comment
Good Review. I’ve personally tried to get into the Buffy comic a few times over the years and it always leaves me a bit cold. Its not bad but its also not the tv show. Sometimes making into a tv show into a comic works and sometimes it doesn’t I guess as long as it sells and people are happy with it who am I to argue…much =)
Steven talked about how the whole world knowing about all the magic and stuff feels a bit off. I think that is part of the problem with the comic is draws much more from the later in my option the less successful years of Buffywhere Willow could destroy the world all on her own. Vs the years where threats were more limited. Power Creep happens but more often than not you get story that doesn’t creep up with the “threat” that comes with this higher powers.
I also think Matthew must really hate the unmasking of Spider-man because every time he wants to talk about how something is bad or limited this comes up. I guess I never felt it was limited anymore than have a mask is limiting. By this logic There are only so many stories that can be told with Peter Parker as a masked Spider-man. Its really much more about the writer and what they plan to do.