There are a number of big pop culture movies hitting theaters between now and September 2014, and an impressive number of movies based on properties that have appeared in the pages of comic books for years. It’s going to be an expensive summer if we plan on hitting all of these flicks, but there has to be one you are more interested in seeing above all others.
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Stephen Schleicher
Stephen Schleicher began his career writing for the Digital Media Online community of sites, including Digital Producer and Creative Mac covering all aspects of the digital content creation industry. He then moved on to consumer technology, and began the Coolness Roundup podcast. A writing fool, Stephen has freelanced for Sci-Fi Channel's Technology Blog, and Gizmodo. Still longing for the good ol' days, Stephen launched Major Spoilers in July 2006, because he is a glutton for punishment. You can follow him on Twitter @MajorSpoilers and tell him your darkest secrets...
Looking forward to Captain America 2, though Guardians of the Galaxy is a close second to that. Marvel Studios has shown that they can deliver a solid product, a good story, great visuals (though Cap 2 might not have those), and the actors have been great.
Does anyone really care about the new Sin City movie. I mean, the first one was great when it came out, but I fear the Spirit flick showed it was just a flash in the pan.
Winter Soldier followed by Guardians of the Galaxy for me the rest are sequels to films I didn’t particularly enjoy or just don’t appeal to me. Having said that I’m a sucker for a big hype machine so I could stil be tempted to my local multiplex by the others.
Darn! Does that mean we won’t get Ant-Man this year. That is what I really want to see.
In the absence of Antman, I voted Guardians, just because of the chutzpa Marvel is showing in even trying this one.
But I’m also really looking forward to seeing the Falcon on screen. He’s an all-time favorite who is past-due in getting some acknowledgement as a bad-ass.
Ant-Man doesn’t arrive until 2015.
So for me it is 100% Guardians of the Galaxy. That movie is so crazy that I really hope it pays off in a big way.
I mean Rocket Raccoon is on the modern big screen before Wonder Woman, I don’t think anyone would have called that a few years ago.
I think I’m a little more excited to see Guardians of the Galaxy.
I think it should be really interesting (plus, Karen Gillan as Nebula? Hot!)
I want to see 300!!!!!! The first movie was great. I love commingling comic books, movies, & history. I also want to hear someone yell this is sparta!!!!!
Guardians of the Galaxy.
Although I wish there was a multiple option, like top three you want to see, because I admit to also looking forward to Captain America and just seeing the Dinobots in Transformers (although I know the rest of the movie will be bleh).
I voted for Cap 2. I really enjoyed the first one, and the sequel looks like a different beast. However, speaking of “different beasts”, Guardians Of The Galaxy has me incredibly intrigued. It is possibly Marvel’s biggest gamble yet, but director James Gun has made some wonderful movies, so I won’t let the off-putting footage t the end of Thor 2 put me off.
Captain America, the rest range from you couldn’t pay me to close second pick. Cap just looks the most entertaining, especially if they go for a 70s thriller vibe, likes been mentioned.
I’m voting captain America: winter soldier but guardians of the galaxy has my curiosity peaked high.
Cap is what I am waiting for. X-men is a distant second. Guardians hasn’t shown enough yet for me to get excited about. The rest I can wait for home release.
300 easy, cause not everybody is wearing black. Seriously, there’s no Ultimates 300 universe to screw up. Maybe anything not Marvel.