In this installment of Critical Hit: A Major Spoilers Dungeons and Dragons Podcast: Just because they are orcs doesn’t mean they are up to no good.
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Yay, first comment!
I liked this episode. Lots of good roleplaying, humour and character interaction. But what cracked me up the most: negotiating what they would include in the deal for the 300 gold! The fate of the world is at stake, and these level 14 heroes of awesomeness are worried about getting a good deal on a horse! Bwa ha ha ha ha!!
Yes, I was waiting for Rodrigo to turn the screws by demanding ‘The Pretty One’ as part of the deal!
well, as no-one has anything to say about this episode. I thought that this episode was great, i loved the interaction between Irving and the party, especially the job offer that torq got. But i would like to ask why the party got rid of the iron that they spent nearly an in game month waiting for.
Because they didn’t want to wait another couple months transporting it, presumably. It’s not a good thing to throw good time after bad.
Only time will tell whether the proper sort of iron will be easily acquirable and whether they made the right choice here.
I spent a good while trying to form a consistent mental image of Irving until my brain decided to give up on it. Now I just see Ron Perlman in leather armor.
I was glad that the party, particularly Torq, get to finally meet some orcs. I love how he instinctively became a “big brother” to them. I’m looking forward to more interaction with the Cogs, and finally getting to the Underdark. I’m both intrigued and frightened to imagine what the party will come across down there!
Brian continues to be on point with the MLP references!