Browsing: Review

If you escaped from hell, would you go back just because someone asked you to? It seems that is what our heroine, Selene has done, as we follow her continuing adventures after the events of the movie 28 Days Later. Why does the man named Clint want her to go back to infected London, and why does she agree to it?

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The Anchor, continues his battle against the forces of the underworld while the people of Darpa Tacticle Technology attempt to study him. As more demons fall before him, the possibility of a closer enemy seems distant, until the unthinkable happens.

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I the benevolent Robot Overlord have once again summoned the two greatest minds this website has to offer, and have thrown them in the arena to battle it out with their enlarge cerebellums over the merits of Batman and Robin #8. Since they weren’t available, I had to settle for Stephen and Matthew. Okay youse guys, make with the smart-ass comments.

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