Browsing: Karen S. Darboe

Void Rivals seems to have come out of nowhere, and turned the world on its head with the revelation of the Energon Universe and the return of the Transformers. Now as Void Rivals #4 approaches its release date, Skybound Entertainment sent us the variant covers for the issue.

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Safron is gone and while Blade investigates, Bri tries to return to normal life and school. But does her new nemesis, Whitney, know more than she is telling? Find out in Bloodline: Daughter of Blade #4 from Marvel!

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As the supernatural world learns about the new vampire hunter on the scene and threats mount, this daddy-daughter Daywalker duo will have to figure out who they want to be to one another in this week’s Bloodline: Daughter of Blade #3 from Marvel Comics.

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Bri confuses Whitney by not trying to hurt her, and even saving her life. But is Whitney being sincere when she agrees to restart and wants to work with Bri? Find out in Bloodline: Daughter of Blade #2 from Marvel Comics!

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Brielle Brooks is learning that she can hold her own fighting vampires. Her mother Safron also knows a thing or two about them. But why are there vampires here now? Find out in Bloodline: Daughter of Blade #1 from Marvel Comics!

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