Something recently happened that has fans speculating, and in a good way!
Browsing: JLA
Despite what it may seem in today’s crossover-crazy pop culture scrum, the idea of Mash-Up Culture is nothing new. Welcome to Ten Things: Ten Supers With The Powers Of A Whole Super-Team!
Something has collected every single living Titan and Teen Titan from around the globe, and the culprit seems to be one of their own! Your Major Spoilers Retro Review of JLA/Titans #3 awaits!
The founding members of the Justice League have reunited, for the first time! Confused? You won’t be in a moment, ’cause your Major Spoilers Retro Review of JLA #1 awaits!
When I read a comic book, I hope to encounter a few important things!
It’s the story that either defines or destroys the Batman, depending on whom you ask. Your Major Spoilers (Retro) Review of JLA #46 awaits!
This a recast of GHL EXTRA, the Patreon podcast where Jason and Ashley talk in-depth…
Rand Bellavia is back to share his fond memories of decades of comic collecting and reading in this month’s Random Access Memory.
This month, Rand Bellavia takes a look at his growing longbox, and reflects on comics released in December 1980, 1985, 1990, 1995, 2000, 2005, 2010, and 2015! Rand Bellavia is back to share his fond memories of decades of comic collecting and reading in this month’s Random Access Memory.
This month, Rand Bellavia takes a look at his growing longbox, and reflects on comics released in December 1979, 1984, 1989, 1994, 1999, 2004, 2009, and 2014! Rand Bellavia is back to share his fond memories of decades of comic collecting and reading in this month’s Random Access Memory.
Rand Bellavia is back to share his fond memories of decades of comic collecting and reading in this month’s Random Access Memory.
It’s Grant Morrison month! We’ll take a look at seven Grant Morrison comics, including a deep dive into Arkham Asylum.
This month, Rand Bellavia takes a look at his growing longbox, and reflects on comics released in in September 1979, 1984, 1989, 1994, 1999, 2004, 2009, and 2014! Rand Bellavia is back to share his fond memories of decades of comic collecting and reading in this month’s Random Access Memory.
I worry when time-locked characters appear in comics because, as they say, “time marches on.” And it doesn’t stop!