The Scarecrow stalks The Tower! Take the jump for a sneak peek of Detective Comics #1056 from DC Comics. The issue arrives in stores this week.
Browsing: Detective Comics
With their grand scheme crumbling around them, Dr. Wear and the mysterious Dr. Ocean have lost control of Arkham Tower in this sneak peek of this week’s Detective Comics #1055 from DC Comics.
It’s Nightwing versus Psycho-Pirate in the grand finale of “Shadows of the Bat” in this week’s Detective Comics #1054 from DC Comics.
Is… that… Azrael? Take the jump for a sneak peek of Detective Comics #1053 from DC Comics to find out.
DC Comics has released a sneak peek of Detective Comics #1052 that arrives in stores today.
Psyco-Pirate? Things are going to go all kinds of sideways in this week’s Detective Comics #1051 from DC Comics.
It’s the landmark, oversize issue Detective Comics #1050, and some of the biggest names in comics are here to celebrate the Dark Knight from DC Comics.
But what happens when Helena Bertinelli really does need some healing? Find out in this sneak peek of Detective Comics #1049 from DC Comics.
The Bat-Family tries to figure out the best way to infiltrate Arkham Tower, but someone may have gotten the drop on them in this sneak peek of Detective Comics #1048 from DC Comics.
The 12-part weekly event for 2022 begins in the pages of Detective Comics #1047 from DC Comics.
The aftermath of Fear State continues this week in Detective Comics #1046 from DC Comics.
Batman and Mayor Nakano have freed themselves from the Vile parasite-infected sewers of Gotham City…only to find the nightmare has risen higher than they had imagined in this week’s Detective Comics #1045 from DC Comics.
What sinister threat lurks in the sewers of Gotham? Batman is about to find out in the pages of this week’s Detective Comics #1044 from DC Comics.
DC Comics has released a sneak peek of Detective Comics #1043 that lands in your LCS today!