Or – “Astro City! Qu’est que c’est! Fa fa fa faaa fafa fafa fa faaah.” (Five points to the Spoilerite who identifies the source of this review’s header quote, which has been boiling around in my head for over a decade, thanks to faithful Spoilerite Bruce/Prisoner.) Once again, we have an issue of Astro City in our hot little hands (Is it Christmas?) and this one is doubly compelling, covering one of the most unusual heroes of the AC universe: Beautie, the walking Barbie fashion doll. I am on record now as saying I will not be making any of the…
Browsing: Wildstorm
Or – “It’s Always Darkest Before It Gets Pitch Black…” Anymore it seems like late books are pretty much an accepted fact of the comics industry, both to the publishers and to the readers. When Superman and Wonder Woman have story arcs that just STOP, finishing up months later while the title goes off on a new arc, or when it takes a year to get an issue of All-Star $&@%&! Batman, I wonder if we’re really any better off than the days when ‘Dreaded Deadline Doom’ would stick a reprint or filler story right in the middle of Captain…
You’ve already read about it in the DC Solicitations for November, and now the company has announced November 7, 2007 will be the official release date for the Heroes hardcover based on the NBC series. The stories, which mark the first printed graphic novel adaptation of the show, were originally created for the “Heroes” website at NBC.com (www.NBC.com/Heroes) where new chapters continue to be exclusively available. The collection spotlights the fluid artwork of legendary comic book artist Tim Sale (BATMAN: THE LONG HALLOWEEN), whose work was featured prominently during the first season of the series through the visuals created by…
DC Comics has provided two sneak previews of upcoming titles to Major Spoilers. Take the jump for Midnighter: Armageddon, and The Authority: Prime, which ship in October, and Outsiders: Five of a Kind: Week 3: Thunder/Martian Manhunter #3 that arrives in stores today.
DC has announced the CW television series Supernatural is getting the comic treatment for its Wildstorm imprint. Supernatural will be a miniseries with a differnt look into the mythos of the program. The prequel story, which is written by one of the show’s producers, Peter Johnson (in consultation with show creator Eric Kripke), spotlights patriarch John Winchester, who, after witnessing the murder of his wife at the hands of a demon, begins a journey into the dark world of the supernatural. DC appears to actually be listening to fan suggestions that the company advertise its comics during related shows. DC…
Or – “Real 1970’s Comics Were Pretty Much This Weird, Too…” In the “Me Decade,” there was a lot of cultural shifting going on: the civil rights movement was in full swing, a related women’s rights movement got it’s start, and countries around the globe didn’t even realize that they were beginning to create a world culture and economy. This upheaval was reflected in the comics of the time, unsurely trying to stake out new territory as a medium for “adults.” We saw Clark Kent become a newscaster and finally give up his blue pinstripe suit, we saw unusual concepts and characters,…
Or – “The 1970’s Never Looked So Good.” The arrival of an issue of Astro City is one of those rare treats, like a Peanut Buster Parfait, or perhaps seeing your favorite movie on cable on a Saturday night when you’re up anyway, and there’s nothing else on but Skinemax. It’s quite sad that this kind of quality requires long-term slaving by master-level comic industry craftsmen to create, making the wait between issues much longer than the norm. Busiek and Anderson’s masterpiece is knee-deep in history, dealing with one of the darkest periods in Astro City’s past, an era of superfreaks, backstabbers,…
This is going to be a big month for DC fans. First, 52 is over and the fallout can begin. Remember that strange image DC sent us a couple of weeks ago that hinted at the future of the DCU? Did you notice Batman was wearing some strange pirate/Arabic costume? Batman #666 looks like it reveals the tie between that mysterious DC image and the Bat. Also, check out the JSA/JLA crossover titles that were the hallmark of the Multiple Earth series from days of old. Second, May will be a month of direct figures from DC Unlimited including the…
Or – “Kurt Busiek Rocks, But That Title Is A Mouthful And A Half…” My friend Bruce has been lamenting on the Major Spoilers forums that the comics industry is targeting him, seeking him out, drawing him to their flames like a slightly-drunken moth. Like Michael Corleone, just when he t’inks he’s out, dey pull him back in! First Nexus, then Madman, and today I got a (somewhat delayed) new issue of Astro City. They know you’re out there, Bruce. And they’re looking… for your disposable income! It has, indeed, been a long time since April of 1995, but the awesome splendor…