Browsing: Review

If you are looking for the Major Spoilers reviews of comic books from the comic book industry, you’ve found it! The best and the worst comics are reviewed each week.

“Head” on over to the SciFi Channel website and watch the commercial free unedited version of Mike Mignola’s The Amazing Screw-on Head. This 22 minute animation is a great combination of horror and comedy done in the incredible style Mignola made famous with his Hellboy series. If you like this kind of stuff and want to see more, make sure you fill out the online survey so SciFi will produce more of this stuff. Here’s your spoilerific look at the pilot.

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It’s one year later and Robin has returned to Gotham. No sooner does the issue kick off than Robin is framed for the murder of Batgirl. But not all is as seems. You better believe there are major spoilers ahead.

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The Batman Animated Series ran for six years (1992 – 1998), and in that time became the definitive Batman television show of all time.  When the show made the move to the Fox Kids Network (previously on WB) changes were made – some for the good, some for the bad.  The final 24 episodes have been collected in the recently released Batman: The Animated Season Volume 4, making for a great DVD collection. via Consumer Electronics Net (link)

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When we last left our hero hanging out on the pages of, Strong Bad had just finished reading and responding to the first 100 emails he ever received comprising the hilarious Strongbad_email.exe: The First 100 Emails DVD. Disc Four picks right up where the action left off. via Consumer Electronics Net (link)

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Last week at the International San Diego Comic-Con Human Computing unveiled the latest update to their popular comic book catalogue software. Is the new version worth the price? Consumer Electronics Net, Stephen Schleicher thinks it is. via Consumer Electronics Net (link)

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