Browsing: Marvel

Or – “The Only People Who’ll REALLY Stay Dead Are Thomas & Martha Wayne…” It’s an exciting world right now in comics… For the first time in years, it seems like change is occuring organically, as part and parcel of real stories, with real character development, rather than as a sales ploy. Even though I don’t necessarily appreciate everything Marvel is DOING with Civil War, ya gotta give them credit for what they’re trying to do: Something Different. That’s the raison d’etre for this issue, not just as a Civil War tie-in, but as a statement that finally puts to…

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First released in 1984, one of Europe’s most popular comics, XIII has sold over 16 million copies with a regular run of around 550,00 per book. Even with this massive success, a fully translated copy has yet to reach America. Marvel Comics and Dabel Brothers Productions have teamed up to translate the French comic into graphic novel format that is scheduled to hit stores January 31, 2007. Best of all, the publishers have decided to use William Vance’s work without censoring the art. Major Spoilers have a five page preview after the jump.

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Three of the Civil War one-shots have sold out at Diamond according to Marvel comics. Civil War: War Crimes, Winter Soldier: Winter Kills, and Iron Man/Captain America; Casualties of War will all be reprinted in Civil War: Casualties of War. The Black Panther Civil war tie-ins will also be collected in Black Panther: War Crimes which will include Black Panther issues #21-23. Black Panther: War Crimes will be available February 7, 2007 for $4.99. Civil War: Casualties of war will be available February 14, for $6.99.

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The Marvel Civil War series has been one filled with controversy, delays, and a storyline that fans have been wanting more of. Marvel is answering by beefing up Civil War #7 with six additional pages, and it won’t be increasing the cover price.  However, when you look at the shipping schedule below, you’ll notice the final issue won’t be hitting stands until February 21, 2007. Can’t wait for Civil War #7 to hit the stands? Major Spoilers has a sneak peek at the cover.

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Marvel and the Dabel Brothers have announced Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter in Guilty Pleasures issue #1 will be going back to press for a third printing after all. In addition, issue #3 will receive a second printing. Both reprints will feature new covers by Brett Booth which you can see below.

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Joe Quesada (along with his band Idlechatter) has released the holiday song from Marvel.  Yeah, I know, the holidays were weeks ago, but you know Marvel… Click the link to hear the song. via Marvel (link)

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Here is the New Comic Release list for comics scheduled to be in stores January 10, 2007. There may be items on this list that are not shipped at the last minute, or new material may be added. Check with your local retailer for more details. Thanks to Collector’s Pair of Dice and Diamond Comics Distributors for assisting in the building of this list. This list was last updated January 08, 2007.

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Marvel has sent us another teaser image to what may be the new Fantastic Four team up following the fallout from Civil War. Like before, the only message attached with the image was, “Is this the new Fantastic Four?” This cover features artwork by Michael Turner.

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Or – “You Wish You Had Madrox’s Problems…” As I look at my hold list these days, I find a bit of bias towards the product being put out by DC Comics over that by Marvel. I have my Marvel mainstays, but the Civil War crossovers are making most of the product that comes out of Da House of Ideas incredibly complicated and difficult to keep up with. But, as with my monthly Nightwing review (another one comin’ soon!), I realize that my tastes aren’t everyone’s tastes, and thus, I’m gonna dip a toe in the Sargasso Sea that is…

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Word is out that the West Cost will be seeing a delay in many titles due in part to the New Year holiday, Gerald Ford’s funeral (which closed post offices on Tuesday), and the crappy weather. Civil War #6 is the big issue most were waiting for, and now thanks to the grinding of the universe, many will have to wait longer.

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Here is the New Comic Release list for comics scheduled to be in stores January 03, 2007. There may be items on this list that are not shipped at the last minute, or new material may be added. Check with your local retailer for more details. Thanks to Collector’s Pair of Dice and Diamond Comics Distributors for assisting in the building of this list. This list was last updated January 03, 2007.

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Marvel Comics has let us know that Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter in Guilty Pleasures #1 2nd pring has sold out. Lots of Anita Blake fans must be jumping on board, which have pushed sales over 60,000 copies. Further, issue #2 has sold out, and issue #3 is very close to selling out as well. The cover to Issue #4 after the jump.

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