Browsing: Marvel

The Youth Adult Library Services Association has listed Marvel’s Nextwave: Agents of H.A.T.E. and Runaways among the 2007 Top Ten Great Graphic Novels for Teens list. Nextwave: Agents of H.A.T.E. writer Warren Ellis was happy to learn of the title’s recognition by YALSA. “I do it all for the children,” says Ellis. In keeping with the off-beat humor of his book, Ellis added, “It is good to know that the young people of today are ready and waiting for me to form a Church.” Brian K. Vaughan was also thrilled to hear that Digests Volumes 4-6 (Runaways VOL 2 HC)…

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Or – “Hotwings, Hot Women, Anna Punch Inna Face! When Dan Slott relaunched She-Hulk a couple of years ago, I didn’t expect to buy it. It was on my list of “I’ll pick it up off the stands” titles, the ones I used to get when I had a couple of extra bucks. Now, even though “extra bucks” are a thing of the past, I’ve moved She-Hulk to my must-buy list. Why? Because it’s brilliant, crafting an unexpected and interesting story out of a former second-tier girl knockoff and diverse elements of Marvel’s huge continuity tapestry. Where do leftover androids,…

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Or – “Goodbye, Yellow Claw Road…” Wow, that’s a really terrible play on words, even for me. Sorry ’bout that. In the previous five issues of Agents of Atlas, we’ve seen everything but the kitchen sink: erstwhile gods, apes with guns, resurrections, insurrections, lost princesses of undersea kingdoms, evil corporate entities, even automotons with death rays, and each issue has been consistently excellent. Mostly shunning the industry-wide shift towards decompression, Agents of Atlas has been a high-speed tilt-a-whirl ride which takes all the old pulp and movie serial elements and put them together in a whole new matrix of awesome.…

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Or – “The Exiles Lives Will Never Be The Same. Again.” I’ve decided I want to work for Marvel. In the past few years, the powers-that-be at the House of Ideas have proven that they’ll publish virtually anything. Remember when someone decided that Thunderbolts would be best served by a complete change of cast, setting, scene, premise, art and story, and then seemed surprised that they barely got 6 months out of the resulting mishmash? Or recall how Grant Morrison was given free reign to initiate actual CHANGE in the X-titles, only to have it all retconned within moments of…

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Marvel Comics has sent us a sneak peek a five page preview of Punisher War Journal #4. Frank Castle’s war on crime has claimed it’s first super-victim. Stilt Man is laid to rest with the super villian community gathering to pay their respects. Looks like it is going to be a virtual Who’s Who of Marvel villians!

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Last week, Marvel Comics gave Major Spoilers a sneak peek of Spider-Man Family #1 featuring Spider-Man J. This week Marvel has sent us bonus pages featuring Spider-Man in his black costume fighting Sandman and a look at the Black Cat/Hellcat team up.

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Or – “Psychotic Break, Anyone?” There’s a lot of potential a character with real human failings. When Stan and Jack created Spider-Man four decades ago, they set the standard: A hero with flaws, foibles, one who even caught colds on occasion. In the case of Yellowjacket, however, Roy Thomas remembered the feet of clay, but the kiln wasn’t working, cause he’s acts about half-baked. The last time we saw Hank Pym and his team of Avengers, they had beaten back the menace of a legion of Super-Adaptoids, but the stress caused Hank to have… Well, let’s just call it a…

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The first issue of Marvel’s new Spider-Man Family will feature an all-new tale written by Sean McKeever, a surprise 10 page back-up tale, and from the Land of the Rising Sun – Spider-Man J! Take the jump for the cover and a five page preview.

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Marvel Comics has let Major Spoilers know that five of its recent titles have sold out and are going back to press. Each will have a new variant cover. We have the titles, the covers, and the release schedule after the jump.

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Or – “This Is The Greatest And Best Retcon In The World… Tribute.” I’ll admit it: I’ve been extremely hesitant to review this issue, simply because I don’t want to have it come across as bashing Bendis, Marvel, or the Civil War in general. I’ve been skeptical (heck, some might even say negative) in my reactions to CW as a whole, and this book contains many of the same characters, by one of the key writers of CW, detailing the retconned backstory that sorta-kinda led to the events in question. To be honest, I’ve never been a fan of Professor…

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Last week, Diamond Select Toys announced the line up of the new Avengers themed Minimate line from Art Asylum and Marvel. Today, we have a look at the entire team together.

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Superhero Hype! is reporting Spider-Man screenwriter David Koepp is in talks with Sony to pen the script for Spider-Man 4. Koepp who just finished the script for Indiana Jones 4, began talks shortly after the studio saw an early cut of Spider-Man 3. IF this is the case, this can only mean two things. First Spider-Man 3 is totally going to PWN the summer box office, and second the studio is fairly confident they can get the leads to sign on for another three picture deal. The tough part is going to be signing Tobey Maguire who has said he…

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Or – “Saving America By Entertaining The $#!+ Out Of Us…” I mentioned yesterday that I can’t believe that a book with the quality of art and story seen in “Birds Of Prey” wasn’t DC’s top selling comic. On the Marvel side of the fence, that same disbelief occurs about Nextwave. I share the same delusion as many Americans, that my opinion is the only correct and justifiable one, and that everyone else will eventually come around to see things “the right way.” The right way, in this case, is to love Nextwave, and nearly everyone I’ve recommended it to…

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