Browsing: Marvel

Or – “This Is The End, Beautiful Friend… The End.” I admit it. I initially only bought this title because of the presence of X-51, aka Mr. Machine, Sir MacHinery, Machine Man, and Aaron Stack. One of Kirby’s lesser-known creations, the big purple guy with the taillights for eyes first bowed in the 2001: A Space Odyssey series in 1978, and has never actually had a run that lasted more than 12 issues consecutively. His “Space Odyssey” run was three issues, his first book, titled Machine Man, ran 19 issues, but there was a break of almost a year between…

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We’ve already seen Spider-Man blame himself for killing Mary Jane, but how will the elderly web slinger do against Venom? It’s all in this week’s sneak peek from Marvel.

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For the second week in a row, Marvel’s Ghost Rider took the number one spot at the box office raking in an additional $19.7 million. This is a huge drop of 56.6% from a week ago. Back in the day a drop of more than 20% was considered a box office failure (Jurassic Park 2 anyone?). However, the marketing gurus are spinning this to say the movie is doing even better than the box office indicates. If you compare Ghost Rider’s $78.6 million (domestic) to date total, it already passed the total box office for Constantine, and some are speculating…

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Or – “Much Ado About… Something…” It’s one of the most talked-about series in years… The final nail in the coffin of the Status Quo (at least until the next big series shakeup), the foundations of a new Marvel Universe, and the entire series has been filled with moments that you thought they couldn’t top. Marvel has set expectations incredibly high with this series, and after the lukewarm response (not to mention the lukewarm stories) of “House of M,” it’s a chance to show that they’re the industry leader for a reason. You’ve read about it, debated it, complained vehemently…

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I like the Franklin Richards series produced by Marvel and written by Marc Sumerak and Chris Eliopoulos, with art by Eeliopoulos. It reminds me a lot of Clavin and Hobbes, if Calvin were a super son of a genius, and if Hobbes were a robot. Lots of fun in this latestest edition, and Major Spoilers has a sneak peek just for you.

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Or – “Superstar Is Such A Subjective Term…” This issue marks two separate benchmarks in the history of the New Avengers. We finally get to see the first glimpses of the post-Civil War lineup (and it’s certainly interesting), and we see the debut of Leinil Yu as penciller. Marvel Comics, Wizard, and six guys who read Wolverine have informed me how wonderful his art is, and I’m looking forward to finally seeing what the wunderkind has to offer. Bear in mind, however, that Wizard has also tried to sell me on the work of Rob Liefeld, Bart Sears, Steve Platt,…

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Sony and Marvel hit another one out of the ballpark this past weekend as Ghost Rider revved his way to the top of the box office charts raking in $44.5 million over the three day weekend. According to Variety, this is the biggest opening of the year so far. I haven’t seen the film yet (was too busy with other shtuff over the weekend), but plan to see it before it shows up on cable. via Variety (link)

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Or – “You Don’t Know What You’ve Got, Blah Blah Blah…” The Heroes for Hire have, so far, been very much on a rocket bus, with the first couple of issues racing through a Civil War tie-in (with Misty and Colleen taking a stand against Iron Man, and NOT getting beaten within an inch of their lives in the middle of a street, proving that if you want to get anything past Tony Stark, it’s best to have mammaries), then a second arc of high speed mayhem featuring Ricadonna, several supervillains who should be dead (a recurring them for this…

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Or – “Dying Is Easy, Comedy Is Hard… And They’ve Tried One Already.” Okay, that’s probably not fair. After all, comedy is difficult, and many writers who have a good grasp of dialogue, story, and character can’t be funny. Heck, even the writers who are PROVEN funny (guys like Dan Slott, Kurt Busiek, even Joss Whedon) aren’t 100% universally hilarious. They say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but the often-imitated, never-duplicated concept known as “The Funny” is trapped somewhere between the lens and the retina of the beholder, forever entombed in eye goop. Why do you…

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Or – “Jamie Madrox, Agent of S.H.E.E.S.H.” Everybody knows what it’s like to be indecisive, unable to make a decision. I’ve spent the entire year 2007 barely capable of deciding fries vs. onion rings, one of the unpleasant side effects of the year from Aitch Ee Double Hockey Sticks. Imagine how much worse it would be if I could actually separate portions of my personality and let them fight it out among themselves… You really have to feel bad for James Madrox. Not only do his moods get the best of him, sometimes they go walkabout and dig holes that…

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With the Superhuman Registration Act being enforced throughout Marvel titles, how are some of the characters dealing with the decision? Marc Spector (Moon Knight) is about to find out in Moon Knight #8. Is that Captain America in the background? Marvel Comics has sent us a sneak peek to share.

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Marvel Comics let us know Friendly Neighborhood Spider-man #17 has completely sold out, and for now, the company has no plans to go back to press. This is the first issue to feature Spider-Man jumping back in his black costume to fight crime. To whet your appetite, Marvel has sent us a sneak peek of Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #18.

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David Finch and Jae Lee are the artists behind the variant covers to Stephen King’s Dark Tower: The Gunslinger Born #2. Wanna see all three covers in one place?

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Sneak Peeks are great in that they give you a preview of the goodness coming down the pike. This week Marvel sends us a five page preview of Punisher: War Journal #5 that is all about that balance between normals and superhumans. In this case it is Bushwacker v. a lone beat cop. Even without the word balloons, you can tell the cop has wet himself.

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