Browsing: Marvel

Or – “Explain To Me Once More Why *HE’S* Not Also In Jail?” So, the Civil War is over, and the new Marvel Universe has begun, a world where the old guard superhumans (original Avengers, the core Fantastic Four, Ms. Marvel and others of a ‘lawful neutral’ bent) are now creating an initiative that will keep all new superheroes within government specifications, creating a rank-and-file led by one of the oldest and most respected heroes of them all. The problem is, all the “trustworthy” heroes who work for the government currently would have been drummed out of service at one…

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Marvel has posted an image of a variant issue of Punisher War Journal that has Frank Castle wearing a very different costume. Take the jump for the full spread.

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Or – “Who He Is, And How He Came To Be…” This was originally supposed to be last night’s recap, but a series of unfortunate events that ended with a visit to the emergency room pretty much put the kibosh on that. (Pinched nerve in the neck causing tremendous pain in the arm and shoulder, but I’m okay, thanks.) So, for the sake of argument, pretend it’s Sunday. You’ve just watched Grey’s Anatomy, or Battlestar Galactica, or whatever it is that NBC puts up, and you’re dreading the hateful Monday morning to come. That’s when you click on Major…

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Marvel Comics is playing it big at Free Comic Book Day with two titles full of orginal content readers won’t find anywhere else. With Spider-Man opening big that same weekend Marvel is dishing out Spider-Man Swing Shift by Dan Slott and Phil Jimenez. Take the jump for a sneak peek!

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Details are sketchy at this time, but a S.H.I.E.L.D. spokesperson has revealed that Captain America’s shield has gone missing. It’s unclear who has taken the shield as no photographic evidence exists, but S.H.I.E.L.D. has issued an artistic rendering of the accused along with this statement. “S.H.I.E.L.D. is following several leads and we are working with the cooperation of New York City authorities to resolve this matter.” Un-named sources have spotted several S.H.I.E.L.D agents in and around television studios owned by Comedy Central. One of the biggest questions is “Why?” Few have shown the strength, let alone have had the training,…

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Or – “Hey, Cap’s Daughter Ain’t Dead, And She’s Just As Cute As A Button!” Okay, she’s not actually Cap’s daugher, at least not explicitly so, but they’re sure implying a little sumpin-sumpin went on. American Dream, aka Shannon Carter, Sharon’s daughter, grew up idolizing Captain America, and eventually stepped into a skin-tight suit to emulate him. There’s no mention of a father that I can find in the book, and I think we’re supposed to assume that Sharon either didn’t tell Cap he had a child, or that somehow they came to an agreement that Sharon would raise her.…

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Marvel has revealed the covers and release date information for all of the upcoming Fallen Son: Death of Captain America and tie in issues. If you are just waking up to the news Steve Rogers is dead, check out Matt’s review (full of spoilers). With all the media hype surrounding the event, best let your retailer know if you want these, as they’ll probably go fast.

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Or – “No Joke From Me This Time…” Yes, once again I am compelled to do this on the day of release, and once again I must warn anyone reading this that I *WILL* be spoilering large aspects of the story. This will be a full review of Captain America #25. If you don’t want to know what happens right now, DO NOT CLICK the “more” link. This is your only warning, as I’m still completely in shock at the events of this issue, and what few filters I may have aren’t filtering worth a rot…

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Or – “You Know You’re Tough When You Can Fight A Wendigo In Your Underwear…” She-Hulk is one of those series that tends to avoid most people’s radar, with only the occasional mention by the fan press or internet to remind the non-readers that it’s still out there, and that’s really too bad. In any given month, one issue of She-Hulk will give you more for your entertainment value than many of the top ten “Hot Books.” I’ve never walked away from an issue of Dan Slott’s take on the green giantess wondering why I was looking forward to it,…

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I think the image says it all. Issue #25 of Captain America has Steve Rogers taking a couple of bullets and is apparently off to the great beyond. If you have been following Civil War, you knew there was a new Captain America coming (Punisher anyone?), but the death of Steve Rogers seems to have taken many by surprise. Unlike the death of Superman, which had been hyped for months prior to the issue hitting the stands, issue #25 arrived (on time for a change) with nary a peep. The big question is, “How long is Rogers going to stay…

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With the announcement of Spider-Man getting back into the ol’ black costume once again, the dial has been turned way past 11! Marvel has announced the first three Back in Black titles have sold out at Diamond, and to meet demand the company will indeed go back to press. The second printings of Sensational Spider-Man #35, Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #17 and Spider-Man Family #1 will all get new covers, and we just happen to have them right here.

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The new Immortal Iron Fist series has sold out for a third time at Diamond Comics Distrbutors. While the Marvel says it has no plans to go back to press for another printing, keep checking back as they may change their mind. In the meantime, bug your retailer to see if she has any of the first three issues in stock. For those of you who did pick up the first three issues, Marvel sent a five page preview of Immortal Iron Fist #4 to whet your appetite.

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Marvel Zombies vs. The Army of Darkness #1 arrives in stores this week (March 7) and is sure to be one of the most interesting cross-over events of the year. This five issue mini-series is a follow up to the 2006 Marvel Zombies series and followed the events of Ultimate Fantastic Four #24. Believe it or not, Marvel Zombies are a hot item right now and in anticipation of this series becoming the next big thing, Dynamite Entertainment sent a preview our way.

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