Browsing: Marvel

Or – “Making The World Safe By Standing Around And Talking For Roughly A Decade…” If you’re a regular Spoilerator, (And if so, thanks! If not, welcome aboard! There’s dip by the radiator, and remember our only rule: ‘Tom Grice is WRONG, Sir! WRONG!’) you won’t be surprised to hear that the new, awesome, world-changing status quo of the Avengers titles hasn’t really done anything to blow my dress up thus far. I mean, yes to the setup of the two conflicting team, yes to the use of less-spotlighted characters and old favorites (the return of the Wasp and the…

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Or – “Voted Most Likely To Make Me Feel Like Sisyphus…” Y’know, I’m surprised that, in an era where the two big Avengers titles cause so much consternation, more people aren’t interested in reading this series. Is it because it’s not the current Avengers? The lack of Captain America, or Iron Man, or Thor? Is it the price? What? This series has been 8 issues of excellent, from script to art to coloring, and not only have I not seen anybody but Tom Grice and I pick it up at the store (Gatekeeper Hobbies, Huntoon & Gage, Topeka! Ask ’em…

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Gotta love that Frank Cho art, and it isn’t too bad in the Mighty Avengers #3. This issue features the return of Ultron, but not the Ultron of old, a brand new female version of the villain. Take the jump for the purdy pictures.

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Ed Brubaker will be ending his year long run as the writer of Uncanny X-Men, and with issue #486 “The Rise and Fall of the Shi’ar Empire” comes to an end. Major Spoilers has a sneak peek after the jump.

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Or – “Does Barry Manilow Know That You Raid His Wardrobe?” The Marvel Universe. A place of myth and legend (so long as you’re a geek like us.) It’s greatest strength is the myriad of characters, interacting, changing (within reason), growing (as long as it doesn’t affect revenue) and bouncing off one another. Every Marvel character has a following, and if you don’t believe me, google and see how many people are happy to see Armadillo turn his act around. Unfortunately, the greatest weakness of the Marvel Universe is the same thing: It’s myriad of characters blah blah blah fishcakes.…

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It’s not often I get excited about seeing two companies do a crossover event (unless it is Batman and Captain America), but Unholy Union from Top Cow and Marvel could be one of those events. In the oversized issue written by Ron Marz and illustrated by Michael Broussard, Witchblade and The Darkness find themselves meeting the Ghost Rider, the Incredible Hulk, and Doctor Strange. “We packed as much as humanly possible into this one. I think we ended up with a story that gives each of the characters a moment in the spotlight, includes plenty of over-the-top action, and even…

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Marc Spector has been having a heck of a time these last nine issues, and it looks like it is going to get worse before it gets better. Marvel Comics has sent Major Spoilers a sneak peek at issue #10 that features an appearance by The Punisher. Take the jump for more info.

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Or – “Maybe The FOURTH Time Will Be The Charm?” It may surprise regular Spoiler-a-holics that I, the man who always schmucks up discussions with “I have a complete run of Captain Schmaggeggi, and blah dee blah” that I do NOT have all of Nova’s various series, even though Nova is “one of my guys.” Don’t get me wrong, I have the original 25 issue series (including the ones drawn by Carmine Infantino which are… NOT C.I.’s best work), I have the Fantastic Four crossovers, and the issue of What If. I have most of the second series, but faded…

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Or – “Requiem For An Orka…” Okay, I have to admit it: I’m irritated at Brad Meltzer. Stay with me here, it’ll all make sense eventually. In Justice League of America #8, it is revealed that Superman ranked Karate Kid as a 15th level fighter, and Batman as a level 12, yet Batman subsequently defeated KK in combat with a kick in the nards and a snide remark about enjoying proving Superman wrong. Digressing from my digression, let me mention that in the wrestling industry, there’s a concept called “putting over” an opponent: to wit, you make sure that your…

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Growing up as a kid, taking the time to read all of Treasure Island seemed like a huge drag – all those pages and no pictures, and I hadn’t discovered Cliff Notes quite yet. Marvel is hoping to ignite the passion for classic literature among the young’uns by releasing Marvel Illustrated a series of classical stories adapted to comic form. The list includes Last of the Mohicans, Treasure Island, and the Man in the Iron Mask. Each of the tales will be told over six issues. Dang I wish I had these growing up! Take the jump for the descriptions…

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Or – “We Really Do Have A Limited Understanding Of Canadia And It’s Bacon.” Alpha Flight is one of those concepts that never really gelled for anyone but the original creator. John Byrne had a feel for the characters that no one else has ever really managed to recreate, and the fact that this was a Canadian team seemed to make the writers try and treat them differently than a “normal” superhero group. From the revelation that Northstar and Aurora were actually descended from fairies (irony, indeed), to the fake resurrection of Guardian to the real resurrection of Guardian to…

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Or – “Have You Ever Felt Like You’re Missing The Point?” I’ve been working hard to keep up with the flow of comics, and thought I had made some headway until this Wednesday. Struck about the head and shoulders with nearly a dozen books that I wanted to recap (including Mighty Avengers #2, Justice League of America #8, the Nightwing Annual and more), I realized that I was needlessly restricting myself to one book a day. With my pull list being the behemoth that it is, maybe a little extra effort is what we need to get things manageable. In…

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Or – “The Not-Exactly-Calm Before The Long-Overdue-Storm…” Hey, it’s a Dan Slott Double-Shot! Can you dig it? No? Alrighty, then, moving on… Of all the people who sided with Tony Stark during Civil War, none surprised me more (not even Mister Fantastic or Tigra) than She-Hulk. Certainly, Jennifer Walters is a lawyer, and perhaps you could make the case that her understanding of the legal realities of the Registration act chose for her, but her whole-hearted acceptance of Tony’s actions, her acceptance of her FORCIBLE DRAFTING into SHIELD to fight her cousins foes (a situation ALSO orchestrated by Stark) make…

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