Browsing: Marvel

Here’s the latest It’s In You Or It’s Not teaser from Marvel regarding the upcoming San Diego Comic Con Fear Itself Panel. Some interesting emails and comments are coming in from Spoilerites, who have been taking the colored letters and trying to spell out words.  This go around we have NEAGOELONLWLVEISIESVS, which obviously translates to WOLVERINE LIVES NEAGOLESS… or something like that. via Marvel

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Press Release Marvel is proud to announce the New Stores initiative, an unparalleled support program for retailers opening new “brick and mortar” comic book shops worldwide. To qualify for the benefits of Support Your Stores initiative, retailers need only contact their Diamond representative to ask for inclusion in this program.

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Or -“The Grand Experiment.” Marvel’s Graphic Novel series was designed to allow creators to tell stories that were too grown-up, too off-beat, or too out-of-universe for the regular titles.  Starting with ‘The Death of Captain Marvel,’ big-name creators were allowed to tell stories that otherwise might not have been told.  Though there are many strong tales in the range (She-Hulk, Revenge of The Living Monolith and The Death of Groo are all quite fun reads) arguably the crown jewel came when Marvel’s greatest villain finally got everything he had ever wanted…

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