Browsing: Marvel

“The World’s Greatest Super Hero” finds himself in a bind in his latest adventure! Peter Parker is faced with another seemingly hopeless situation as he spends the issue at the mercy of the Kingpin and the new Hobgoblin! The word is out that “Amazing” will be ending in a scant four issues. Every moment of every remaining issue counts, and with that in mind, let Major Spoilers guide you through AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #696…

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Or – “This Is The End, Beautiful Friends…” Matt Fraction’s Iron Man has been my favorite take on the character since Mark Bright and David Michelinie completed the original Armor Wars back in the day.  (It was literally Young Zack’s lifetime ago…)  Now that Fraction and Larocca are leaving, there is the promise of yet another new Iron Man #1 on the horizon, but nobody promised that Tony Stark would actually survive to be the one in the armor, did they?  Your Major Spoilers review awaits!

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Or – “Is Everything Really As It Seems?” One (somewhat valid) criticism of the Avengers franchise under Brian Bendis has been that the characters never follow up on anything. Nazi agents attack Washington?  Set ’em up & knock ’em down! Aliens infiltrating your ranks?  Set ’em up & knock ’em down! One of your founding members blowed up?  Set ’em up & knock ’em down! You’d think that geniuses like these would know that things come back around to bite you if you don’t pay attention.  Your Major Spoilers review awaits!

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As ABC’s Marvel’s SHIELD ramps up for production, a number of characters (new and old) will make appearances on the show, which means actors are going to be needed to bring them to life.  While we know some of the actors who will appear, other faces are starting to appear on the credit list, including Ming-Na Wen, who many will know from ER.

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When Disney released the first Iron Man 3 trailer, the only embed code we were allowed to use was the small size. Now that the trailer has officially been released on YouTube, you can take a better look at the imagery in detail.

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The first official trailer for Iron Man 3 is set to arrive tomorrow and to make sure that you are fully ready Marvel has released the first official poster and picture of the Mandarin. Take the jump to check out the movie/comic goodness!

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The New Avengers are the B-team of the real Avengers. If you need proof of their 2nd class status, look to the fact that they are periodically preempted from their own book in favor of general Avengers’ stories when events and cross-overs mandated more “screen time” for the main Avengers. And that’s with Wolverine and Spider-Man on the team. Of course, they’re on every team. Bendis’ treatment of this team has swung wildly between Mary Sue and outright neglect. With Marvel Now! launching, which approach will he use to wrap up their story?

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This series created a stir when it first came out more than a year ago. Peter Parker was dead and a new Spider-Man, Miles Morales, took his place. Since its arrival, Ultimate Spider-Man appeals to both old and new comic book readers. It combines the classic superhero origins and themes into an original modern story. Although he shares the iconic presence of his predecessor, Miles Morales is an all-new, all different Spider-Man.

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With marvel NOW underway, it’s time to get crackin’ with some variant covers, because those did so well in the ’90s.  Marvel Comics has announced that Joe Quesada will provide a number of variant covers to books arriving in the coming months, and we’ve got your first look, after the jump!

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Or – “File This Under A For ‘Ain’t Gettin’ Away With This Kinda Thing Today’…” I completely forgot that a couple of weeks ago was my six-year anniversary of writing for Major Spoilers.  This isn’t really surprising (I forgot October 4th last year as well), given my tendency to live twelve to fourteen seconds at a time, but it always makes me feel bad for not coming up with a spectacular blast of fireworks or something for y’all, the Faithful Spoilerites.  To that end, I racked my brains for something that would make this week’s Retro Review extra-special.  Silver Age…

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Or – “The Book I Never Knew I Always Wanted To Read.” I ain’t gonna mince words:  This’n is good.  But as for HOW good? Your Major Spoilers review awaits!

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